Cal & Mag Tabs

I was just looking at the enormous range of vitamin pills in my kitchen and saw some calcium and magnesium tablets, could I sling a couple of these in a watering can, let them dissolve then water my plants with it? Would the plants be able to use the cal & mag in this form?
Just curious
Just don't make the mixture too strong unless you are going to spread it out very well.
Even if they are not directly absorbable by the plant, soil organisms will break them down further, then the plants would take them up. This *may* take weeks or months.
Otherwise vitamins are a little expensive, i would save them for personal consumption. There are less expensive ways to feed them cal + mag.
my wife is a nutritionist and i used the calcium powder she got from work. it sorted out my deficiency problems pretty fast!
let us know how it works out for you
You guys need to look at what types of cal are soluble for plants.
From what I understand, the kind we take is not the same you would give to plants because it is not as soluble without being digested.
Thanks guys, I'll experiment with a low amount, the worst that can happen is they do nothing (famous last words). I'll let you know how I get on   ;)
the only downside is its difficult to judge dosage rates. also hopefully the tabs arent coated.
it worked alright for me, but i was using powder and cant get calmag without importing