chinense California Reaper?

Just wait until my Idahoan Reaper (formerly known as the Primo) makes its debut.  After years of careful cross-breading, it's 2mil SHU & the size of a potato!

:rolleyes:  :dance:  :P  :P  :dance:   :rolleyes:
  Stable or not, they look cool and sound tasty!

t0mato said:
The thing may not even be close to stable, but they still sell the seeds at almost seven dollars for just ten of them.
 Where  do you get your seeds from. I pay 5.00 on average for the exotic and hard to find phenos and species. The only seeds I have not paid much for have had a less than 50% germ rate and that's sad. Most varieties from puckerbutt are 7.00 plus 4.00 shipping. These where only 5.50 with free shipping.
"Originally developed by our head horticulturist Steve Bender, the California Reaper is a cross between the Carolina Reaper and the Peach Ghost Scorpion. Dr. Bender has spent numerous grow seasons developing the California Reaper, which is essentially a peach version of the Carolina Reaper."
​Ok, let me get this straight the Carolina Reaper was first sold in late 2012, as was Jay`s Peach GS, yet these guys have been growing a cross between the 2 for "numerous grow seasons" whatever they are. At best, F1 in 2013 surely? And don`t give me this 3 seasons in 12 months in hydro nonsense, either. And that`s assuming the 2 varieties mentioned were stable (which they weren`t).
Essentially a Peach Carolina Reaper? Give me a break. It`s a cross containing 4 different varieties, so should be stable sometime around 2050, assuming no OP occurs. Until it is stable why not call it, oh, I don`t know, something catchy like - Carolina Reaper x Jay`s Peach Ghost Scorpion (unless the cross was made the other way around). Maybe with a crazy annotation denoting the generation number, although I do realise that`s a bit much to ask for. 
I have no issues whatsoever with the cross, the great looking pods or creating a new variety like this, but please stop with all the marketing horse sh*t. 
Eh.... forget this I am growing the unique Arkansas Peach Reaper (sometimes reverts to red still in stabilisation mode & my two are form seed form 2014)
Plus As for California Reaper in my opinion that's Nigel's Chocolate Reaper he is working on again in my opinion
like a few other people the original C. reaper is still throwing out non pheno pods and I have grown and seen some off phenol pods during the first and later pods of the season of Jay's ghostscorpion, so you cross the two and until you hit f8 or f10 you will still get off phenol pods.
I do like the color and I'm sure it will at some point make a nice super hot flaming pod, but like Nigel its a bit early to be naming it  and should be demoted to C. reaper x Jay's ghost scorpion at F? till its completely stable but it would still have the unknown genetics of the reaper.