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Calusa Indian Mound pepper

Good evening everyone. I'm going to be growing a Calusa Indian Mound pepper for the first time this year after getting some seed in a trade from Pepperlover. I've been trying to find out some more about it but information about this variety seems to be very limited. I'm just wondering if any other members out there have had any experience with this one. Either way, it just popped the other morning and I'm looking forward to getting some pods from it. Thanks in advance!
Pepperlover gave me some interesting information on the variety. Supposedly it could take until the second season to even produce pods. I've heard some conflicting info. about the species it is. I've heard it is essentially the same pepper as Capsicum annuum 'Florida wild' while others have told me it belongs in the Capsicum sp. category. MUST HAVE MORE INFO!!!!!
I don't have any helpful info, but I am growing it this year too and will gladly latch on to any helpful information you manage to find. I think I ordered it by mistake from pepperlover and the seed package was marked "extremely rare." I expected it to take a long time to germinate, but it sprouted right away and appears to be growing well.
Well, this will end up being a neat side experiment for me since I'm growing both 'Florida Wild Bird' and 'Calusa Indian Mound' peppers this year. I can't wait to compare the plants side by side.
***JULY 2011 UPDATE***

And here are some comparison photos for you Midwest and RobbyJoe. Can you tell which one is Calusa Indian Mound and which one is Florida Wild?



Because I can't. . .