MGOLD86 Dec 15, 2011 #1 Just ran across this on Drudge, anyone have any experience with it? Sounds like a blast!
Just ran across this on Drudge, anyone have any experience with it? Sounds like a blast!
MGOLD86 Dec 15, 2011 #3 Lol! I would totally go for it if I wasn't like 15 hours away. May have to find a "work" related reason to head up there...
Lol! I would totally go for it if I wasn't like 15 hours away. May have to find a "work" related reason to head up there...
ridavid Dec 16, 2011 #4 Man I wish I knew about it. It says 12th through 15th. I think it's like an hour from me.
sicman Dec 16, 2011 #5 i just seen that on the news, i thought they said it was in the u.k. though. shows how much i pay attention,
i just seen that on the news, i thought they said it was in the u.k. though. shows how much i pay attention,