Can anyone save my season with a SFRB of Super Hots?

Had a really bad season for my reaper plant as well as getting ripped off by Dale.  I had high hopes for my reaper plant, but a late frost set it back pretty far.  Then about a week ago a hail storm shredded it to bits, so I'm thinking I won't be getting any peppers out this year.  Ordered two SFRBs from Bakers Peppers, my own fault I knew better, but got one box that somehow disappeared in shipping for several days and I got mush when it arrived.  He never replied to my email sending him pics after he requested them and the a box of reapers that was supposed to ship in July-August of which I have yet to receive and he has yet to(a week later) reply to my email asking if they will ship soon.  Anyway, all I'm looking for is someone who is willing to sell me a box of super hots.  I like reaper's and Moruga's but at this point I am not picky!  Any help or info would be appreciated.  Thank you!
     Talk to sicman or ajdrew. They're both having sales right now, iirc. Otherwise I can hook you up with a great variety for cheap on Sunday. (I'll be gone tomorrow.)
edit: Also keep your eyes peeled for any sales jcw10tc might be having this weekend. That dude grows some awesome pods and is looking to unload a bunch every weekend!
@Hybrid thanks I've sent PMs
@Tex, Yeah Dale sucks.  No class, and he rarely pleases.
@96strat, totally interested. Please let me know!