can i fit 2 in one of these pots?

I was able to get a few of these former tree pots from a garden center. I want to know if these will be able to have two plants in each i live in an apartment so very limited space.



i have two little bell peppers in this one right now.
also do i need to put rocks in the bottom for added drainage or would the loose dirt drain fine. during the summer it is hot here so i don't want them to dry too fast.
Personally, I don't put rocks in pots unless they may need extra weight to keep them from falling over. I usually just put a couple sheets of newspaper in the bottom of my pots to keep the soil from coming out, then I fill them up.

hi warscout
yes ,that planter will hold two large plants nicely,
morning sun is better than evening sun if thats possible at your location,
a partial shade area mid day will really make the plants thrive.

good luck

warscout2 said:
also do i need to put rocks in the bottom for added drainage or would the loose dirt drain fine. during the summer it is hot here so i don't want them to dry too fast.

That's a good question because I always have but I've just run out of pebbles and was wondering if it was worth buying them. I'll try newspaper instead now.
warscout2 said:
also do i need to put rocks in the bottom for added drainage or would the loose dirt drain fine. during the summer it is hot here so i don't want them to dry too fast.

i think the rock thing is if the pot doesn't have holes at the bottom...
Oh right, I've always used pots with drainage holes but just thought I was still meant to put stones/pebbles/gravel in the bottom for drainage still. If I don't need to than all the better.
the rock is to keep the drainage holes from stopping up...MHO..I use a little in all my pots unless I have a very sandy mix that drains well..
If you use the newspaper to cover the holes inside the pot it will keep the dirt out of the holes and the excess water drains right through it. The only problem may be with big plants--when the soil dries out sometimes the wind will blow them over. Otherwise the newspaper works fine.

Mister_Al said:
If you use the newspaper to cover the holes inside the pot it will keep the dirt out of the holes and the excess water drains right through it. The only problem may be with big plants--when the soil dries out sometimes the wind will blow them over. Otherwise the newspaper works fine.


Agree on the principle but never tried it...makes sense...but I have rock readily available along the creek beds here I collect when I need it..
I nicked it from my neighbours garden when he had his driveway done so I didn't really want to have to pay for stones. BTW it was waste from his driveway, I didn't steal his newly laid gravel.
I can just see RB in her night gown with a lantern and an old stocking cap sneaking out the door with her slippers on, grabbing a handfull of gravel and looking around to make sure no one saw her...

now that's a hoot....
AlabamaJack said:
I can just see RB in her night gown with a lantern and an old stocking cap sneaking out the door with her slippers on, grabbing a handfull of gravel and looking around to make sure no one saw her...

now that's a hoot....

AJ, you don't take a lantern when you're sneaking! You creep perilously through the dark, hoping you don't stub your toe and start cursing loudly.
no wonder i always got caught... :lol:
news paper works well to keep down weeds in the garden.
just transplant,then take a piece of Black n White news paper {dont use the colored sections},tear to the center and place this around main stem of plant,i use 2 sheets
one going eace way...cover lightly with soil and water.
at the end of the season just till in the roots and paper and this will improve the soil too,over the seasons.
works great for small backyard gardens.

I have wondered about the 2 in 1 theory. I bet that if you examine the health of one individual plant, it may only grow to 70% of what it would have done alone.

However, if you look at the whole, if both plants are only 75% of what they could have been, don't you still have 1.5 times as much plant per pot?

If I was limited to a set # of pots, I would most likely put 2 plants in each, on opposite edges of the pot, at the 12 and 6 o'clock positions touching the sides.
AlabamaJack said:
I can just see RB in her night gown with a lantern and an old stocking cap sneaking out the door with her slippers on, grabbing a handfull of gravel and looking around to make sure no one saw her...

now that's a hoot....

:lol: Now exactly how old do you think I am?