seeds-germination Can I still germinate?

Three months is no where near enough time for most super hots.  Without things like heating pads, some seeds take a month just go germinate and get up out the soil.

On heating a green house: Wow it can be expensive if you are using the roll up stuff for sheeting.  I completely understand your not wanting to spend the money if it is not going to be worth it.  Even seeds are expensive.  I am thinking i would hold off if money is tight.
RafaelAmorim said:
I got some nutrients my friend gave me, a tote I have laying around, going to use rockwool held by metal wiring to stop the rockwool to sink (bought large rockwool medium, was like 30 cents each, even cheaper than the smaller ones) and a pump that I had from an aquarium, probably powered by a solar grid if I find one cheap ahah didn't even look, but also 5W pump.
Ya know, I like you! Do you know of MacGyver? Your methodology sounds very similar!

Keep a camera handy & open an account at a photo hosting site if you don't have one (I recommend IMGUR), we'll be interested in your grow!
Re: post 22:
I haven't seen any complaints in the last year or so on THP whereby seeds were confiscated in the USA..& I recall Peter@Semillas
saying he also had no reports by buyers r/t same...maybe folks here can chime in with their experience.
You can also email him,he is prompt with his reply.
That being said,I do have a CTIS permit which  I use just to avoid any issues...its free & painless to can apply online , I had
to go to a nearby USDA office for them to check my address,don't know if that is still necessary?
APHIS Plant Health Programs
Plant Protection Quarantine
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
United States Department of Agriculture
United States Department of Agriculture
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
4700 River Road
Riverdale, MD 20737
Permit to Import Plants and Plant Products 
From my understanding, as long as it is shipped discreetly there should be no problem. If the senders name says "ABC seed company" or whatever it might get flagged. I've ordered international multiple times and never had a problem.