seeds Can I use seeds from my own plants to grow more next year?

I was wondering if I could use seeds from peppers grown this year in order to grow more plants for next year. Or should I just buy new seeds each year from the store?
If this is viable, then how can I store the seeds properly for next year?
you can use your own seeds, but if you have different types near each other there is a possibility they will come out crossed
Absolutely! Save 'em and plant 'em.

As has been said before, you could end up with some crosses so you might not want to make them the ONLY seeds you plant in case the results are not what you hoped for, but that's also part of the fun.

You can even save seeds from grocery store peppers, but again, results may vary.

I pull the seeds from the peppers, dry them a little on some paper towels and the pull off as much placenta as possible as soon as I can. Once they dry fully, I throw throw them in coin envelopes or ziploc bags... If using plastic, make sure they're fully dry. There are a bunch of threads discussing methods to harvest and store seeds.

Also, wear gloves with the hotter peppers... Even when you think the burning oils are gone, those things pack a mean punch.
pick the nicest pods in the MIDDLE of your plants, that way its less likely to be cross pollinated.
I do this all the time.