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Can peppers be frozen

Hi, as i have a lot of peppers rippening faster than i can use them and have no drying apparatus, i wonder if anyone could tell if its possible to freeze peppers???
Ya, you can freeze peppers and I do this regularly. However, they won't thaw and still be crunchy, they will be soft. But, they are still good and are still good for use in sauces and for cooking.
I wouldn't eat or try to make poppers with a frozen pepper, but I have no problems cooking with them. I probably have like 2-4 lbs worth in the freezer now.

They also work well for making sauces. :)
I've made poppers successfully but its definitely more difficult with frozen pods.
Do a site search, this topic comes up often here
I make poppers from frozen jalapenos a lot. I cut the stems off, remove seeds before I freeze them. I don't defrost them, just stuff full of cream cheese or whatever you are using, wrap in bacon and bake or fry. Delicious. Peppers can be diced, chopped or left whole to freeze. As has been said they lose some crispness so are best used in cooking, sauces,etc. The flavor is still great just they get a bit limp after thawing. Freezing is a neat alternative to processing them all at once, especially if you have lots of peppers.
Here's a shot into one of my freezers. This one may get full too before the Tejas frost shuts my pepper garden down if I'm lucky. Dang !! I think I'll have enough to get all my cooking done until next season's harvest .

P. Dreadie

P. Dreadie said:
Here's a shot into one of my freezers. This one may get full too before the Tejas frost shuts my pepper garden down if I'm lucky. Dang !! I think I'll have enough to get all my cooking done until next season's harvest .

P. Dreadie


Mine looks similar, only I'm just using empty grocery bags. Very low-tech...but they're not going to be in there very long.

I can't wait to start making sauce this year!!
Kickazz freezer!

Wow...I wish I had that going on. :D

I too use empty plastic grocery bags for tons of things..garbage bags, wrapping leftovers, really nice for keeping cheese too. Just get the air out, twist tight then tuck underneath.
Jalapeno poppers are my all time favorite snack. I am going to try using my frozen jalepeno's and see how it goes. I never figured it was possible as soggy as them become after thawing. I will be trying it soon!
P. Dreadie said:
Here's a shot into one of my freezers. This one may get full too before the Tejas frost shuts my pepper garden down if I'm lucky. Dang !! I think I'll have enough to get all my cooking done until next season's harvest .

P. Dreadie


I somehow missed this one. That picture absolutely cracks me up!!! :lol: I would have one of them if I could! I only have a couple of quart bags frozen with a mix of superhots and others I use in cooking.