breeding Can sweet banna peppers cross with jalapeños?

I have a banana pepper plant between 8 banana pepper plants and 9 jalapeño plants but the peppers look like very skinny banana peppers but much darker green than the other 8 plants.. They where all started indoors from seed from the same package
They can cross, BUT you will not see the crosses until you grow plants from the saved seeds. The pods you get now will be what came from the seeds that you planted. If you really get different plants from seeds in the same package, then you obtained a packet with different types of seeds in it.
Thank you it just seemed odd to me that 8 where the same and 1 looks so different... The bps where sweet .. I just mixed some with some japs and bell peppers and onion and cooked them on the grill for some sausage toppings ... I just don't know when to pick those peppers they almost look like the Thai pepper plants I bought from home depot but there much lighter in color
They can cross, BUT you will not see the crosses until you grow plants from the saved seeds. The pods you get now will be what came from the seeds that you planted. If you really get different plants from seeds in the same package, then you obtained a packet with different types of seeds in it.

+1 Or if they are different, now? Your pack came with crossed seeds from the year previous.
The reason you don't see the cross until you grow from the seeds is...

Think of the seeds as the babies, and the plants as the parents. When the two parents mate you don't see the cross until the kids are born...or in this case when the seeds are planted to produce a new plant.

The pollen fertilizes the seed creating a tiny embryo inside which contains the genetics of the parent plant/s. So regardless of which plant fertilized those seeds the pods on the mother plant will be true to what you planted.

Seeds that don't grow true from a packet can be the result of a number of things including poor isolation methods, natural mutations/deviations or even just a plain ole mixup at the seed packager.

Hope this makes sense??? Was harder to try to explain than I thought...must be the beer I'm drinking!
Simply to explain it the cross seed genes comes from the pollination but the fruit's genes are the same as the mother plant, so basically the fruit still has the pure genes and will look as any other fruit on the plant regardless to what pollinated it.
I'm going to assume that some formatting was lost in the above post.

Either that, or I'm having a stroke. Are my eyelids supposed to taste purple?
Haha thanks for the replies .. The banana peppers all came from the same seed package (burpee) but one is obviously not a sweet banana ... Not mad Im all for trying a new pepper especially since it my first year growing.. Would just like to know what I'm trying when I eat them