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overwintering Can this mature wintering ghost be saved ?

I have had this plant one year and it produced good peppers, transplanted it last fall, took indoors, in a sunny window for winter.
It has become infested with ? See pictures...

I have treated leaves soil with "Concern" soap, mainly fatty acids and potassium salts, temporarily slows them down but they always come back.

The plant is well infected, I bought SNS 203, soil drench spray, that is mainly clove and rosemary oil, and want to know if this will treat the soil, you are supposed to drench in out of bright sun or grow lights.

Is she worth trying to save or is the plant too far gone ?

Ghosty... :(
those appear to be aphids, you can buy some organic spray and coat the leaves(tops and bottoms) then in 4-5 days do that again and then in 4-5 one mor time ad they should be gone. i had mites so i bought malathion and geared up for battle and sprayed the heck out of all my plants(few months ago) i notcied a few aphids yesteday gave them a little misting and all clear today.
What spongey said. They look like aphids to me, but if not the approach would still be similar.

Alternatively, as a very last resort removing all of the affected foliage can also solve the issue permanently (or you can just remove it all if you're feeling paranoid). At that point you would just rinse the stems off with a strong jet of water to remove any that might still be clinging on. I did this earlier in the winter when I discovered one of my plants had aphids, I just got lazy and clipped off all the growth to prevent them from spreading and the plant has subsequently grown back.
take it outside on a warmish day and spray it hard enough to get the vast majority of them off of it... then proceed with soap treatment. it certainly doesn't appear to be too far gone.
The problem is they lay their eggs in the soil and just keep coming back. They're few members here that had succumbed to chemical warfare to in order to beat them. The friendlier methods don't kill the eggs in the soil depending on the degree of infestation.
Good luck!!
I declared war, bought the malathion (nasty smelling stuff), mixed and spray it good, the dirt too, I have heard this stuff is longer lasting than sevin.
I plan to try to soil drench, but that may do the plant in. Will use the SMS stuff I mentioned in the first post. Thanks guys.
I hope she makes it.

I stripped my plants of all the leafs, sprayed with soapy water. The plants that were infested in the soil showed themselves really quik. Toss them if you have tons of plants, don't want to hurt or infest the rest of your plants
I stripped my plants of all the leafs, sprayed with soapy water. The plants that were infested in the soil showed themselves really quik. Toss them if you have tons of plants, don't want to hurt or infest the rest of your plants
I took them out of their pots, roots were mostly dark brown, two plants now thrown away. Thanks all who took the time to reply.
