• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Can You Believe My Chiles?

I have not been active here for personal reasons for almost 6 months.
I just wanted to tell everyone that so kindly donated me seeds last Spring to start growing my own chiles, that my full grown plants have proven time and time again to be awesome survivors!
Here in Lafayette, Louisiana we have experienced over two months of freezing and daily deluge type of rainy conditions and my plants have managed to survive (almost all of them)
The plants that suffered the most were the Nagas (they definitely don't like these awful weather conditions) lost 3 out of 4 and the last one is on its last legs.
I decided early this winter to experiment a little and do not "Winterize" my plants since a lot of them were fruiting.
Much to my surprise, I have been checking the plants closely for diseases and mold and most of them (i have almost 25 different strands) are not only surviving but still fruiting.
Can you guys believe this? How is this even possible?
All I have done on my end is to give them, some X Nutrients. Other than that Mother Nature has more than provided them with cold water, to the point that I thought they all would have died a couple of days ago when the temperature dropped down to the twenties and they keep on ticking...
I will take photos for all of you soon.
But i have to tell you, is cold, rainy, and miserable out there so I'll wait the sun comes out again.
I am so proud of my little babies :)
Thank you all again and Happy New Year!
Congrats on your peppers. Keep leaving em alone and you'll have monsters all year round.

Now I want you to do something for me...

Head out west on Hwy 10. Get off on 93 and head north about 2 blocks. Head into "The Best Stop Supermarket" and grab 5lbs of smoked Boudin, 1 bag of cracklin's and maybe another pound of boudin balls. Ship them to me! And remember, freshness is key so overnight would be best!

Send me your addy and the next time i go out there I will send u some :)

Although it b easier if I go to Dons instead :)


Any advise?

Or i just let them going like this?