• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Can you get sicK?

NVM I made a post saying some shit to all the idiots who accuse me of wanting to make people eat these peppers without their consent / without them knowing, but I see that it may have been kinda rude even though they deserved it. I got my answer from seeing Ted the fire breathing idiot eat 10 ghost peppers.

And for the record, I DO NOT / WILL NOT make ANYBODY eating my peppers without their consent / without them knowing. It pisses me off that some of these people who accused me would even think that.
Hey, I don't know about everyone else but I was just making a random comment, about how reckless abandon caused me some harm and that it was my informed decision.
It can't be me you're talking about because I don't recall accusing you of anything.

In all honesty, I don't know you from a bar of soap and I have absolutely no idea what kind of person you are. As Chi stated, your intent was not clear. On the chance that preying on the unsuspecting was what you had in mind, or if anybody else reading got any ideas, I decided to voice my opinion on such behaviour. Take it how you choose.
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Wait... if one intends to have fun with superhots and drunks, and their intent is not to mess with the drunks... what else is there? Letting a drunk make the decision to eat a superhot while their judgement is impaired? How is that much different??

I understand by your original post that you did not know the full power of a superhot. You do now. I hope there will be no "fun" at all with superhots and drunks.
Read your first post in this thread, it seems like that's what you implied but it's not that clear. Hence we assume.

What is the literacy rate in Houston?

Or are you a troll? ;)
You are a tasty meal to this troll gas.
From the looks of it, you're the troll.
I suggest you show respect to your fellow members, if you want to be a part of this community.

Sorry, Chi, I agree. It feels like you are trying to provoke something here.


I suggest if you suspect trolling, inform a mod and move on. Fighting fire with fire can only produce more fire.
im going to have lots of fun with them with challenges, dares, drunks, parties, etc.

If I offended you, I'm sorry. That was not my goal. However from that sentence, I hope you can understand WHY I jumped to the conclusion I did.

If you changed your mind mid-stream, hey all the better. If it was never your intention, then hey all the better :).

Ted was once a member here... He left because of a massive personality clash between him and a significant number of others on the forum...

It seems to me we are all pretty chill over all, until provoked any way (but I suppose thats true of everyone)...

I think perhaps your best bet is to be easy going as well - if something comes across as offensive, chances are VERY significant that it wasn't meant that way. We don't have much problem with trolling here on the whole.

So just kick back, have fun, and give everyone the benefit of the doubt (unless they are doing something potentially risky) and I think you'll enjoy this place as much as I do.