wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

For my part i never really collected more seeds than i needed for myself, so next year if all goes well i'll have a lot of seeds to share, may also have some butch t's in there!

I'll definetely be in the next train! :fire: :twisted: :fire:
i will be putting some big ass amount for superhots nxt round! round2 I took about 50 seeds and put about 300 on the train, next round I will put 4digits of supers! mwahahahaha!
i will be putting some big ass amount for superhots nxt round! round2 I took about 50 seeds and put about 300 on the train, next round I will put 4digits of supers! mwahahahaha!
He is insane!! Haha, that would be amazing. Let's hope the weight of the package doesn't get over 1 kilo!
I think I'll get in on it this year. Didn't really have enough to offer last time, but my overwintered butch t's should produce well this summer.
I'm up for next round as well. I didn't have anything to offer last go around as I'm a new grower.

On the topic of keeping your own seeds, anyone have any advice or specific web links to read up on for proper procedure? I've read various things online, but may as well hear it from the experts.
On the topic of keeping your own seeds, anyone have any advice or specific web links to read up on for proper procedure? I've read various things online, but may as well hear it from the experts.
Hello and welcome to the train!
Here are some links I have for yah:
  • http://www.thechileman.org/guide_seedsaving.php
  • http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/garden/07602.html
  • https://www.google.ca/#hl=en&gs_rn=11&gs_ri=psy-ab&pq=harvesting%20and%20caring%20for%20chilli%20seeds&cp=11&gs_id=3am&xhr=t&q=Harvesting%20chilli%20seeds&es_nrs=true&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&oq=Harvesting+chilli+seeds&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45921128,d.aWM&fp=4ac147a6e4121091&biw=1680&bih=933&bs=1
  • https://www.google.ca/#hl=en&gs_rn=11&gs_ri=psy-ab&cp=31&gs_id=23x&xhr=t&q=Harvesting+and+Caring+for+seeds&es_nrs=true&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&oq=Harvesting+and+Caring+for+seeds&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45921128,d.aWM&fp=4ac147a6e4121091&biw=1680&bih=933
Hope these help you out!
Here is a GOOGLE search for just vegie seeds, it would be pretty much the same for most seed harvesting, collecting and storing.
I personally keep mine like I do my Orchid Seeds. I have a big mason jar with a locking lever lid, I keep all my seeds in this and also put in silica drying bags (food grade ones) that I got in various foodstuff I have bought just to keep the humidity as far down as possible. Works for me...
Hello and welcome to the train!
Here are some links I have for yah:Hope these help you out!
Here is a GOOGLE search for just vegie seeds, it would be pretty much the same for most seed harvesting, collecting and storing.
I personally keep mine like I do my Orchid Seeds. I have a big mason jar with a locking lever lid, I keep all my seeds in this and also put in silica drying bags (food grade ones) that I got in various foodstuff I have bought just to keep the humidity as far down as possible. Works for me...

Thank you very much. I'm a perfectionist and over-think everything... I've read a few random articles from google searches, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything obvious. Good idea with the silica bags.
I suppose we are lucky that seeds naturally want to do what we want them to do. I have preserved them many ways and every way seems to work.

The basics are simple. Remove from pod, clean ALL meat off of them, soak them and remove the ones that do not sink, lie them out to dry on a paper towel for 2 weeks, store in manilla envelopes. I find the envelopes will provide the seeds with enough moisture removing attributes as needed. No need for silica gel (unless you have some lying around somewhere).

Not to toot my own horn but following that basic way has yielded a 100% germination rate for any stored seeds the year after storing (knock on wood).

I am a perfectionist but I also pride myself in efficiency (it's the German in my blood). From what I've seen and done, this is the perfect and most efficient way.

... for me. :)
Hello ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope the summer growing has gone well for you all?
Been UP & DOWN here in Moosonee.
Nearly lost all my plants to frost in early June (yep, thats right...early June!!!!), there have been a few nights in July that have dropped down to 2-4. Made me VERY nervous!!!!!!!!
Don't have many pods but know A LOT more on growing conditions up here, for next years planting.
Anyway, have a great summer and PLENTY of pods (need some "Pod Porn" from you all...keep my enthusim going)...hehehehehehehehe...
Hello and welcome AaronRiot!
You will have to wait for the engineer of the seed train to make an appearance...and start the next round (that would be "marclocas".
Was a lot of fun and GREAT selection of seeds in last run (heck, even the first run was great!).
Looking forward to hearing about everyone's summer growing!
Hey guys! How is your growing season? It has been very very HOT in here theese last days. I even had a small tornado over the backyard. Most of the plants are doing great tho! :).
Anyone in for ROUND 3? Welcome AaronRiot!