food Canapés - Smoked Turkey & Kanimi Salmon w/ Scorpion's Blood


Wanted some snacks for watching Nascar today, and came up with this.


  • Smoked Kanimi Salmon Spread
  • Smoked Deli Turkey
  • Cheddar
  • Mushrooms


The salmon spread was folded into a "package" inside the Turkey slices, then placed fold-down on thinly-sliced Baguette spread with Scorpion Blood Hotsauce and topped with a slice of Cheddar and Mushroom.


Sprinkled with Sea Salt & Black Pepper and toasted at 300F on an EVOO coated pan until cheese was melty and the mushroom was sizzled.

The bread is crispy ouitside and on the bottom, but still semi-soft inside. I then cut them in halves for easier munching.


The flavors really worked well together, and the slight curry taste and heat of the Scorpion Blood was awesome.

Quick and EZ "gourmet" snacks.
Good while hot still or chilled off too. :D



i don't like mushy's but that looks mighty tastey, nice sandwhich bub. Not to familiar with scorpion bloods sauce but sounds hot. whats in it?
Noshownate said:
i don't like mushy's but that looks mighty tastey, nice sandwhich bub. Not to familiar with scorpion bloods sauce but sounds hot. whats in it?


Not really a sandwich, just a snack. Thus teh canape label.

The sauce has:

Ingrediants: Chilli, Chilli, Lots of Chilli, Lime Juice, Olive Oil, Coriander, Garlic, Vinegar, Saffron, Salt.

If ya search here for scorpion blood, you're find it. I also provided a linky to the website.

Here's a posting on it:

It's a fine Sauce from our AU mate and fellow THP member, Scorpion. :D
Mushrooms go with anything. Definitely looks snackworthy Quad. I'm waiting on a package from Scorpion so I can't comment on the sauce yet. I'm sure it tastes great.
Thanks Jimmy, and ya it's a very nice sauce.

I don't think it's as hot as his Wrath of God sauce, but has a wonderfully complex flavor.
Package arrived while I had sandwich in one hand and THSC Afterburner poised to strike in the other. After this post I thought I'd better try the Scorpion Blood first. Great tasting sauce.
Whoa man that food looks wayyy yummy. I can feel my arteries clogging just looking at the cheese! I spose the healthy mushrooms offset that though :P
That rocks....oh man that looks nice....Got mr taj coming over in 15....we must eat more chilli....!!!! Man i was so hung over last night lol! Blury screen! Still feeling the pinch a little! Good work mate!
Heheh, thanks!

Big props to Nova for his kickazz 666 sauce and getting all the aussie goodness to me, and to Scorp for making his yummy sauce.
