• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CaneDog 2019 Hirsute Pursuit – Rocotos, Wilds & Moar

So, here's the new glog for the coming season.  With the indoor grow culled pretty hard now I can focus more on getting ready for what's ahead.  Hoping for a great year, but I’m already a bit behind - the germinators are packed right now and I've still got a round of annuum seeds waiting for their turn.  I guess it wouldn’t feel much like pepper growing though if everything were going perfect.
My focus was going to be rocotos with a side of bonnets and some other stuff, but I found I kept planting more and more wilds. Eventually I just kinda went all-in with them and they took on co-main event status. 
I’ll start things off with some pics of some of the earlier pube’s.  There’s not too many at this point. Unfortunately, the vast majority just went into germination.
First off, Costa Rica Red.  This is the CRR with flattened triangular pods.  I also have an OW CRR that’s a 3-4 lobed “boxy” variety.  I didn't get true seeds off this one last summer, so I have a few of these growing and crossing my fingers they grow true.

Rocoto DeSeda.  These guys were from a bush I’d OW’d a few years in a row, but it didn’t make it through this winter

Rocoto San Camillo

Gelbe Reisen Variant.  These are from true seeds off a plant I’ve been growing for a few years that was supposed to be Gelbe Riesen, but the pods are more orange vs yellow, rounder/less boxy, and just a touch smaller. I don’t know if it’s a natural variation or it might have crossed with a Costa Rica Orange, but it's a great plant. I have a few of these started and am curious what comes of them.

Giant Yellow Rocoto.  Suppose I should pinch that bud off.

Recently hatched Gelbe Riesen sprouts (the parent plant has been a beast for me for a while now) and CAP 217 Hyper-Pube.

That’s it for the rocotos for now.  Will try to post up some pics of the early wilds in a little bit. 
love those rocoto's  I need to acquire some seeds to grow next year.  only type I was able to find locally was a manzano, which was great for stuffed peppers. im wondering if ill need some sunshade to grow these in my area.  I know all but the aji limon did well in direct sun this year. the leaves would wilt on any hot day so ive had to baby them all season. hoping they thrive in the coming month as it cools down.
Your UV index during July is what, 7? Ours is 5 here in Helsinki and I grow Manzano Rojos in 19 hours of 100% direct sunlight per day. They don't seem to mind at all. Trick is to either have them big enough to flower and set fruit during March or April (days near 70 and nights in the 50s), or then you spray them down with cold water every night once they do start flowering. Don't know how well they'd handle high UV (8 or above), but one thing is certain: they are generally huge plants and require a lot of water and huge pots as well (even 8 gallons is not large enough). Also, because they get so huge they do have serious problems with wind and need to be extensively staked and battoned down.
podz said:
Your UV index during July is what, 7? Ours is 5 here in Helsinki and I grow Manzano Rojos in 19 hours of 100% direct sunlight per day. They don't seem to mind at all. Trick is to either have them big enough to flower and set fruit during March or April (days near 70 and nights in the 50s), or then you spray them down with cold water every night once they do start flowering. Don't know how well they'd handle high UV (8 or above), but one thing is certain: they are generally huge plants and require a lot of water and huge pots as well (even 8 gallons is not large enough). Also, because they get so huge they do have serious problems with wind and need to be extensively staked and battoned down.
im not sure on the uv during the summer. ill keep the rest in mind.
I hope to get some seeds this fall and start early in the hopes they'll be ready for spring.
love those rocoto's  I need to acquire some seeds to grow next year.  only type I was able to find locally was a manzano, which was great for stuffed peppers. im wondering if ill need some sunshade to grow these in my area.  I know all but the aji limon did well in direct sun this year. the leaves would wilt on any hot day so ive had to baby them all season. hoping they thrive in the coming month as it cools down.
Hey BDASPNY.  I can send you out a sampler of rocoto seeds of various varieties after harvest if you're interested.  I was planning to send you those Zapotec seeds and maybe some Zapotec X anyway if you're still interested in those.  I think you'd do fine with rocotos.  Might just take getting used to them and getting the timing down, etc.
CaneDog said:
Hey BDASPNY.  I can send you out a sampler of rocoto seeds of various varieties after harvest if you're interested.  I was planning to send you those Zapotec seeds and maybe some Zapotec X anyway if you're still interested in those.  I think you'd do fine with rocotos.  Might just take getting used to them and getting the timing down, etc.
that would be excellent! :dance: im def interested in any of those you have to share. :cool:   let me know if I have anything you'd like in trade or what I owe you.
Few more pics from the deck peppers
Cappuccino Tepin - this guy started behind most of the others and was a slower grower, but has been setting pods for a while now.  They aren't ripening yet, but plenty should soon!
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Eximium CAP 1491. Been enjoying these guys a lot.  Look a lot like ripe Cappuccino Tepins in their brown stage, but for the calyx teeth.  I wonder how they taste brown.
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7Pot Yellow Bonchi keeps producing - and the pods keep getting bigger.  Who knows, maybe they'll start getting yellow too...
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Dreadie or not?  My first Papa Dreadie - on a small deck plant.  This guy's shape is off, but the other few are shaped more like expected.  I have two bigger PD plants in the scotch bonnet raised bed at the plots, but they haven't flashed yet. 
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And my first (legitimate) Scotch Bonnet Jamaican Long.  I have a big SBJL plant in the bonnet bed which is producing well, but they're ripening red so not legit JL's.
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And the obligatory rocoto pics.
San Isidro.  Been growing these guys for a long time and the pods don't get much better looking than this.
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Hyperpube is almost fully yellow now.
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Cusco pods have a lot of character.
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This one kinda looks like a face in profile - or is that just my pareidolia kicking in?
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Great stuff as always CD, so nice to see the colors coming in!

Would you say the hyperpube is a good 'beginner' rocoto? You've gotten me curious about the rocotos and would like to grow one or two - so far I've read good things about the Cristobal one and the turbo pube, and would like to start with the fruitiest of the bunch if possible. Even found a good seed source from the UK, which has an impressive list of rocotos (at least until Brexit, if it ever goes through... ;))

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dragonsfire said:
Great looking fruit!
Thanks DF!  It's been along time coming this season but I've finally hit the point of decent harvests starting.
lespaulde said:
Would you say the hyperpube is a good 'beginner' rocoto? You've gotten me curious about the rocotos and would like to grow one or two - so far I've read good things about the Cristobal one and the turbo pube, and would like to start with the fruitiest of the bunch if possible. Even found a good seed source from the UK, which has an impressive list of rocotos (at least until Brexit, if it ever goes through... ;))
dragonsfire said:
Great looking fruit!
Thanks DF.  It's been a long time coming this season, but the regular harvests are finally starting to come through.
lespaulde said:
Great stuff as always CD, so nice to see the colors coming in!

Would you say the hyperpube is a good 'beginner' rocoto? You've gotten me curious about the rocotos and would like to grow one or two - so far I've read good things about the Cristobal one and the turbo pube, and would like to start with the fruitiest of the bunch if possible. Even found a good seed source from the UK, which has an impressive list of rocotos (at least until Brexit, if it ever goes through... ;))
[SIZE=10.5pt]Thanks LP!  I really like the hyperpube. I think it should be easy to grow and very productive.  I'm always happy to hook you up with seeds for the hyperpube or others if you want, just let me know -  you know, like if Brexit every goes through ;)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Hey, and as of today I finally have harvested BOCs![/SIZE]
Devv said:
Great stuff CD!
Good for you on the ripening of the fruits ;)  Pics as always are fantastic!
Thanks Devv. It's been a nail biter hoping the majority of the plants would get it done in time this weird season! 
A few more pics, first from the community garden (where the deterrence fence is working so far!)
This is my 3rd phenotype on the growdown SLR.
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Cappy's Red Brainstrain - Didn't think this guy was going to come through on time, but maybe...
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The raspberries never end around here.
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And I'm starting to have some rocoto crosses ripen at home
The first Aji Largo pod to flash is an Aji Largo x Lucento.
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And the first Aji Lucentos to start turning are:
Lucento x USDA Cardenasii
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& Lucento x Rocopica (USDA Cardenasii x UKN Rocoto). Wanted to cross the Rocopica back into a Rocoto right away and see if I can get some variation and some size on it. Plan is to grow a handful of these guys due to the heterozygosity of the F1 father. I also plan to grow the Rocopica F2's and backcross from a selection of those, too.  Jeez, I already have too many things planned for 2020.
20190913 Aji Lucento x Rocopica3.jpg
Catching up with your Glog CD and as we have come to know all of your photos depict how much you put into your plants.
Just awesome...thrilled to see you have luck with both Cardi accessions.Both of my flexi plants has lots of flowers,I understand it's
a more cold tolerant than other wilds so will see.
CaneDog said:
Mini brown rocoto has joined the ripening crew.
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I have just one Pube going this season, the Aji Largo. As it cools it should load up. Next season with more time to attend to the plants I hope to get the Aji Oro added to the mix. Maybe try the Rocoto again even!
I love seeing the pubescens you have going strong and producing, something that's a challenge here ;) 