canning questions

I have 2 questions regarding the canning of peppers.
-If you can peppers in vinegar and sugar, is it a problem that some peppers in the top are not completely covered in vinegar?
-I was also wondering if someone has a recipe for canning Jalapenos.
 I'm going to cut them in little slices and was wondering how many I can put in a can of 1 liter?
Pickling Pepper recipes abound on the internet, just search for 'pickling peppers' or 'pickling jalapenos'.
You can use a canner or keep them in vinegar in the refrigerator.
Yes, they must be covered with the vinegar.  Use a glass jar when you're using vinegar, NOT a can.
We've pickled hot Anaheims in a hot water bath, and sliced the superhots to keep them in vinegar/sugar/water in the refrigerator as we use them in sandwiches.  Using a 1 liter can or jar might not be the best - using smaller glass jars might be easier all around.
When filling the jar, there was an inch of vinegar above the peppers.
But after boiling for 30 min., the peppers expanded.
Can I leave it like this?
as long as the lid popped down and is sealed, it should be fine.