plants are 6 months old in a 4 gallon pots (net volume) with generic potting mix.
my drip irrigation system is with 1 gal/h emitters ,i have south face balcony and there is a low wall that protects the containers from direct sun light
how can i determine the total time for each watering/times per day?/days on a week?
for now its 15 min every day, water doesn't get flow out of the the pots, with 20 min water flow away from the pots
my drip irrigation system is with 1 gal/h emitters ,i have south face balcony and there is a low wall that protects the containers from direct sun light
how can i determine the total time for each watering/times per day?/days on a week?
for now its 15 min every day, water doesn't get flow out of the the pots, with 20 min water flow away from the pots