Can't find cayenne peppers in any stores

My cayenne plants were really lame this year.  I got enough peppers to make only 10 ounces of my delicious sauce.  Usually they are huge bushes with hundreds of pods.
I drove all over town looking for fresh cayennes, even the Mexican grocery stores. Nothing.
You can buy dried and rehydrate.
Yup they will ferment! Are they as good? Well they will have a slightly different taste from being dried and dehydrated but that may work out to your benefit, as the dried taste is more toasty/smoky.
store near me don't carry fresh cayenne either. only cayenne powder / red pepper flakes in the spice section.
mexican stores have fresh jalapeno, serrano, poblano and dried ancho, arbol, guajillo, numex, morita
i have tons of cayennes if you want to buy a box from me, will cost more than a store because shipping though.
I think it's always worth a try :)
But if it's something not in the options for mitchNC
You can always place an order for crushed, powdered, extract, paste, whole fresh or whole dried pods. 
He said his plants didn't do well, so he already tried. And I'm assuming he wants them now? I don't recall ever seeing cayenne at the store or Mexican market. Farmers markets shut down here already. Juanitos probably has the best fresh pods you could find, but like he said shipping is a little prohibitive.
I made some Tobasco sauce. Not nearly as good. This was the only sauce that everyone loves.

Jaunitos, can you PM me?
Looking for enough cayennes for a packed half gallon jar.

I don't think shipping would be nuts for that.
I'd noticed the same thing.  Cayenne is a really common pepper, but I seldom see it fresh in stores.
There's always a certain demand for fresh Jalapeno, Bell, or Pablano.  But for most people, dried/powdered Cayenne is good enough.
I guarantee you... If you tell everyone that they'll just have to wait until next year because Mother Nature didn't cooperate this year, they'll be beating a path to you next year for your hot sauce.