misc Cant find shrink bands anywhere in Europe. Would anyone post me some?

I just cant find black or any other shrink bands for woozy bottles anywhere in UK/Europe.

The places I'v found in US will only send a few thousand or they want a fortune for postage.

Would anyone be able to sell me some and post over here and I would pay with Paypal? 100-200 would be great.

Ebay.com has some clear ones, but i would prefer the black ones that cover half of the bottle neck.

Or if anyone if in Europe knows of a source....?

I have some black ones. Check your PMs.
Thanks JD. Unless I'm mistaken, they only seem to have clear ones in woozy size.

Under the woozy bottle bulk advert go to Addons and it lists the proper size shrink bands and caps and has the black bands listed
