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CAP691 (redfire)










Can I have a bump please?
Nigel said:
Brilliant Photos, John!
For anyone interested, I`ll be posting a review of one of John`s CAP 691 tomorrow. They are flat out fantastic!!!
Thanks mate. I am really pleased with the flavor. There is a sweetness,like almost sweet grassy flavor that the cumari du para doesn't have. The flavor doesn't hang as long as du para either. I typically like the flavor of yellow pods over reds but this is not the case here. Chuffed to see your review.

wayright said:
Beautiful pods JB
Holy hell brother 

How is the flavor on those babies?
I have wasted so much space over the years trying to find chinense that taste good. These are super duper clean,no musky ick. Nice heat to just pop a couple at a time. The seeds are soft and not an issue either.

I know you aren't huge on du para,but these are very similar. I'm sure you will have your mitts on a few soon. :lol:

FreeportBum said:
Again amazing pics and plant! You need to publish a book on wild peppers..... Would be awesome.
Wish I had the time and skill. Thanks for the compliments. There is an epic database that is currently under construction that I am adding stuff to. The stuff I posted here pales in comparison to most of the stuff there. In a few years it should be pretty impressive and a nice guide for ID'ing stuff.

buddy said:
Wow! Great pics and great pepper.

Thank you my friend. You will have a chance to give em a go soon.

HopsNBarley said:
Extremely nice Pr0d!
HopsNBarley said:
Extremely nice Pr0d!
Thanks brother. How is the youngster? It has been awhile.
PIC 1 said:
John, once again great growing skills and close-up photography. The shot of the cut open chili is mind blowing ! 
Thanks for the compliments Greg,means a ton!
Datil said:
I hear ya!
Very nice pics as usual.
I believe i've seen Red Fire seeds for sale from Jukka, same variety?http://fataliiseeds.net/search?query=red+fire
They seem to be the same. One thing that sets this one apart from other C.chinense is the yellow anthers.
rory said:
Looks identical to Charapita, apart from colour obviously. Any relation? Taste similar? Heat similar? I am interested to know thanks.
Excellent shots by the way.
They are the same species as Charapita, C.chinense. Other than that Charapita is Peruvian, Cap 691 is Brazilian. There are certain similarities to the flavours, no question, and the heat is also quite similar. Personally, I prefer the flavor of Cap 691 over Charapita by a good margin. I still really like Charapita, though!
I have wasted so much space over the years trying to find chinense that taste good. These are super duper clean,no musky ick. Nice heat to just pop a couple at a time. The seeds are soft and not an issue .[/quote]

Sounds like a great pepper! I'm really enjoying the cumari do para and cap691 sounds like the perfect red compliment.

Really diggin the smaller berry-like pods.

Pics are spectacular.