pruning Cappy pruning and cloning 2014

Pepper-Guru said:
Hey Cappy, how hot are the HP22Balphabetacapaniner pods? 
They are hot little SOBs, primo heat and flavor.  I was looking at the texture and it is almost like braille pattern saying don't eat me.  Haven't tried a whole one but just a sliver lit me up pretty good, the real deal. 
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
It's been too long since I stopped by... I tend to stick to the glog section and not venture much beyond that.  Great pods.  As I continue to have issues with yellow bhuts looking like they're not quite stable, I'm thinking of maybe going back to the Y7 as my go to yellow chinense.  I had one plant last year that was very healthy and productive and put out real scorchers too.  Are you not a fan of the bhuts?  I haven't noticed many here...
Also, sorry to hear about your cloning issues.  The successful clones I've made were done in a similar way as trippa describes, just sitting in some water...
Thanks Charles for stopping by.  I too have a hard time keeping good genetics with Indian chiles and that is why I don't grow them each year.  One year I would have be biggest Bhut Jolokia and the next small nagaish peppers.  I would have to buy seeds each year so they didn't make the grow list.  The Chocolate Bhut Jolokia is awesome, and the Naga Morich bush is one of my favorite chiles to grow.
The Yellow 7 Pod is very productive and huge meaty peppers that are conducive to my hot sauce making.  I would be open for a seed trade to grow some bhuts again.  Different strokes for different folks.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Thanks Charles for stopping by.  I too have a hard time keeping good genetics with Indian chiles and that is why I don't grow them each year.  One year I would have be biggest Bhut Jolokia and the next small nagaish peppers.  I would have to buy seeds each year so they didn't make the grow list.  The Chocolate Bhut Jolokia is awesome, and the Naga Morich bush is one of my favorite chiles to grow.
The Yellow 7 Pod is very productive and huge meaty peppers that are conducive to my hot sauce making.  I would be open for a seed trade to grow some bhuts again.  Different strokes for different folks.
Good to know I'm not the only one with this issue.  I was able to isolate and grow this bhut two years in a row, I can send you some seed to try:
Pepper-Guru said:
MMmmmmmmmmmmmm Yellow Bhut.....
I remember this pics from last season, gorgeous pod.  If you're growing these from saved seed this year, let us know if you think they're growing true... I'm close to not growing this anymore because of all the wackiness from year to year...
Beautiful pod Rich, I would love to grow a Yellow Bhut like that.  My plants are slowing down considerably but finally got a decent harvest of Brain Strain 7 Pod being a late producer and all.  Heavy rains last weekend with tropical storm Bertha but now back to the summer heat wave.  Still managed a few pods enough to finally fill the crock and start the fermentation process.  Have been messing around with making a lacto starter with Cumari pods and seems to work great.  Cut pepper all morning and refuse to wear gloves and now my fingers are numb at the tip.  Now the waiting begins.  Some pics from this mornings harvest and close up of 2014 Brains.

Has been way to hot outside to go out and do anything with the garden for weeks.  A few small harvest but finally got outside this morning and got a real nice harvest of peppers for early September.  Lots of Yellow 7 Pod and Brain Strain all going to mash.  The first batch of mash I started over a month ago is doing great burping every 15 minutes and filling the room with the sweet smell of fermented peppers.  Stocking the freezer again for round 2.  The plants outside a looking near the end of their life cycle but I know I still have another 6 weeks or more to harvest more peppers.  I am including a picture from my Swordfishing trip over Labor day weekend.  We spent the night 75 miles out in the Atlantic Ocean in about 1,800 feet of water using squid for bait and glow stick tied to your line.  One sword is a good trip we go four and they kept getting bigger with the biggest 175 lb. hit a daybreak.  This fish is huge and comes up lit up like a purple ghost and we throw a harpoon and I get the gaff shot in it's head.  Biggest fish I have ever put in the boat, pumpkin colored meat that melts in your mouth with every bite.


Thank you Jamie for stopping by and reading my dribble.  Lots and lots are going on down on the farm today! Doing the first batch of hot sauce of the season, the peppers are ready in the fermenting crock by the slowing down of the burping in the airlock, bottles have been ordered and ready, pH meter is calibrated, the scale is out, and all other ingredients have been acquired.  Got the recipe out of the safe and ready to make a batch of molten lava this evening.  The freezer is full with another 10-12 gallon bags of peppers to refill the fermenting crock and plenty more still hanging on the plants waiting to be harvested.  Very excited as I did not have a big enough crop last year to start a ferment and make my hot sauce.  Have friends and family barking down my neck wanting me to replenish their bottles that lasted this long.  I was thinking of taming it down some and using half the amount of pepper mash then that thought left my mind.  Got to get these bottled up and back to picking peppers, peppers coming in fast and furious this time of year.  I am close to calling it quits on the plants and chopping everything down soon.  It would be nice to get my yard looking nice again for a few months, virgin pepper rainforest jungle is the only way to describe what is going on back there now.  Update again in a few days. 
Cooked the sauce up last night and damn that stuff put me on my knees.  Tried one little taste and almost panicked it is just like it supposed to be.  Today after cleaning up I filled back up my crock with all the peppers that were sitting in the freezer and had a little bit of the last mash set aside to add as a starter.  I tasted just a nibble of the raw mash on an empty stomach bad idea, ended up in fetal position on the bed so I wouldn't fall down.  The damn hunk of molten lava stuck right in my gut and had me in severe pain and sweating profusely for 15 minutes.  The tears coming out of my eyes were hot.  Got the crock slammed pack full again and the hot sauce done.  Time for a cold one.  You can go to my photobucket account and see a video walk through of my garden a few days ago.