capsaicin Capsaicin Cramps

got cap cramps earlier after doing a bhut test.

The cramps kicked in about an hour after though.. i felt fine and cycled into town, ten minutes later i'm laying down infront of a convenience store tripping balls, sweating bullets and not knowing if i'm gonna be sick or crap myself.
luckily managed to get to my feet and buy some chocolate milk in the store, which extinguished the problem.
scary though!

looking back on it, i didn't eat enough. had some peanut butter on toast afterwards to help soak it up, but evidently wasnt enough
Nigel said:
Most beautiful mushroom ever.
We used to find them a lot in Scotland, but alas, no Reindeer. I had heard that Reindeer search for them specifically, to get high. Reindeer pee, eh??? I wonder if there are any members from northern Scandinavia on here??????? 
Hell yeah! We eat those mushrooms for fun ;) Well, our ancestor Vikings did. They were pretty smart those Vikings that we Norwegians are so proud of. The used slaves (or manservant) and whores to clean the poison out of the mushrooms. Mostly the white flymushroom as we call it. Its a white edition of the red and white in the picture and much stronger. Anyhow, they fed these shrooms to the whores and slaves, saved their pee and drank it. That way they got really high without causing kidney or liver damage ;) and they could continue their rampage pillaging cities, raping, killing, destroying and what ever they did.  :rolleyes:
These days the forest is full of eatable mushrooms and we go picking every two three days for fresh mushroom to the kitchen. 
Thanks Nigel, that bit of info  helps some, Before I had surgery on my colon and then liver and lung ( long story there) I drank Butter milk and a bowl of Mac and cheese with a little Olive oil on top about 20 to 30 minutes before I ate a super hot or something that had a fresh super hot in it, Some of the fresh super hots gave me cramps that hurt more than others, i never got cramps from using super hot powders, but then again I didn't try to over dose myself either. The doctor told me to drink a good protein Drink followed by plenty of yogurt, but that was before the surgeries, Now they are saying not to eat any fresh super hots as the chemo and Radiation treaments have ruined my stomach, but I did cheat some last night while I was deseeding some chocolate Bhuts and some 7 pods infinities and licked the oils off the blade of the knife, and got a nice little burn. But getting back to the subject a good meal prier to eating a super hot helps out a lot when it comes to cramps along with some olive oil. which can be put on a salad or drank strait.
wildseed57 said:
Thanks Nigel, that bit of info  helps some, Before I had surgery on my colon and then liver and lung ( long story there) I drank Butter milk and a bowl of Mac and cheese with a little Olive oil on top about 20 to 30 minutes before I ate a super hot or something that had a fresh super hot in it, Some of the fresh super hots gave me cramps that hurt more than others, i never got cramps from using super hot powders, but then again I didn't try to over dose myself either. The doctor told me to drink a good protein Drink followed by plenty of yogurt, but that was before the surgeries, Now they are saying not to eat any fresh super hots as the chemo and Radiation treaments have ruined my stomach, but I did cheat some last night while I was deseeding some chocolate Bhuts and some 7 pods infinities and licked the oils off the blade of the knife, and got a nice little burn. But getting back to the subject a good meal prier to eating a super hot helps out a lot when it comes to cramps along with some olive oil. which can be put on a salad or drank strait.
Sounds like we are on the same page. My cocktail is nothing original, just a bit of reading and some experimentation. 
As an ex-cancer researcher, I can see why the doctors don`t want you to have anything remotely irritating in your digestive tract, or absorbed and then metabolised by your liver. But you know that. 
I truly hope you get back to full health and eating all the peppers you want to.
Hi Nigel,
yeah no more shoving hot peppers in my mouth to prove a point, not that I did that much , only when a certain now EX son in law was around, Thank goodness he's gone now. Peppers do have a very complex chemisty to them that could be very irritating to just about anyone that is starting off with super hots.  
I do recomend using high protein drinks that will absorb much of the capsaicin, along with plenty of yogurt.
Non super hots are far easier to digest as they have less complex chemical chains to them unless you decide to have a jalapeno pig out, then all bets are off.
NorwegianChili said:
Hell yeah! We eat those mushrooms for fun ;) Well, our ancestor Vikings did. They were pretty smart those Vikings that we Norwegians are so proud of. The used slaves (or manservant) and whores to clean the poison out of the mushrooms. Mostly the white flymushroom as we call it. Its a white edition of the red and white in the picture and much stronger. Anyhow, they fed these shrooms to the whores and slaves, saved their pee and drank it. That way they got really high without causing kidney or liver damage ;) and they could continue their rampage pillaging cities, raping, killing, destroying and what ever they did.  :rolleyes:
These days the forest is full of eatable mushrooms and we go picking every two three days for fresh mushroom to the kitchen. 
even stronger still is the panther cap
I made the huge mistake of drinking a strong vodka mixer before eating a Butch T last night. About an hour later I began feeling stomach cramps which intensified rapidly. I went to the kitchen and poured myself a large glass of milk when I began to double over and had to curl up in a ball on the floor. I forced myself to make it up the stairs to the bathroom because I knew something was going to be coming out of one end or the other.This was a burn in my gut with cramps like I never even came close to experiencing before. If I even moved an inch I felt excruciating pain. Finally I crawled to the toilet and began to vomit violently, and it was hot coming back up. After I finished retching, I had the weird experience of 'hot pee' which felt very odd. The alcohol in the vodka must have intensified the capsaicin in the Scorpion pepper to a great degree, because I've eaten them before (without alcohol involved) and felt fine aside from a burning mouth and throat. My advice...NEVER mix hard liquor and peppers as it's a recipe for misery.
I got cramps last night for the first time, less than an hour after eating a Bhut J.
I wasnt sure at first what is even happening :o , wasnt sure if I'm gonna puke or pass out ... but then remembered I have read something about that before. Have to inform myself more on that department :)
Anyway, it disabled me for over an hour. Had to lay down and fell asleep when it stopped kicking my stomach around. Woke up half hour later ... cramps repeated of yogurt and an shot of olive oil seemed to help. Until a few minutes ago when I sat over volcano in the toilet. Haha.

Brutal experience. Not having a whole superhot for a while.
I personally am a big fan of full fat Greek yogurt after eating a superhot. It helps me a lot.
As others have said, not eating them on an empty stomach helps a lot. I find that any well balanced meal (protein, grain, and fat - veggies don't seem to make a ton of difference for me) beforehand also helps a lot.
georgej said:
Im so glad im not the only one who had the hot pee! 
I thought it was weird, but i didnt wanna start a thread on the matter (lest people say "youve got the clap!")

I made a jalfrezhi the other night which i added one red bhut and half a teaspoon of chocolate bhut powder. Its the first time my wife has said "you crossed the line, this is too hot!"
I ALWAYS handle chillies with gloves on. but when i went for a pee it started to tingle. next time was more so, and then hotter still the next time (yeah i was drinking a few beers with a curry, which is every Englishmans god given right!).
It wasnt the same feeling as when you accidently touched the old fella without washing your hands properly. it was actually not unpleasant.

I had wondered if it was all made up in my head. because my entire body felt like i was on fire and i was rushing off the endorphines.. glad to know im not the only one!

I had figured that because my kidneys were working double time to get rid of the beer i was drinking, that perhaps capsaicin was also being processed and getting to the kidneys. But i doubted myself a little, because the only compounds i can think of that pass unharmed through urine are Muscimol (which gives the hallucinogenic effect when the body processes Amantia Muscaria, fly agaric mushrooms) and 3-4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine, MDMA (ecstacy).

Glad to see a bit of confirmation to my initial theory. im sure it did my urinary tract a bit of good too!
Alcohol is a great solvent and so, while the water content would tone down the effects somewhat, it was probably the capsaicin being absorbed by the beer that caused your hot pee. I've only ever had it after extract infused drinks because my digestive system seems to deal wonderfully with everything natural besides Cholula (weird, I know) but I know what you mean. It's warming and would be pleasant if it didn't seem to shrink my bladder and make me need to go every hour and a half.
As for stopping cramps, what others have said about protein and fats to absorb the capsaicin and keep it away from the stomach walls makes a lot of sense but that won't actually get rid of the capsaicin. As far as I know, there are only two ways to do that:
1 - Make sure you have carbs already digesting in your stomach, the process that breaks them down results in further reactions that break down the capsaicin.
2 - Milk. This works in the mouth, less so in the stomach, and doesn't work at all with lactose free stuff since that's the active ingredient. Sadly standard milk just isn't powerful enough to do much once you get to the level of superhots but maybe if you could buy straight lactose that could go in some kind of super potion.
spicefreak said:
Alcohol is a great solvent and so, while the water content would tone down the effects somewhat, it was probably the capsaicin being absorbed by the beer that caused your hot pee. I've only ever had it after extract infused drinks because my digestive system seems to deal wonderfully with everything natural besides Cholula (weird, I know) but I know what you mean. It's warming and would be pleasant if it didn't seem to shrink my bladder and make me need to go every hour and a half.
As for stopping cramps, what others have said about protein and fats to absorb the capsaicin and keep it away from the stomach walls makes a lot of sense but that won't actually get rid of the capsaicin. As far as I know, there are only two ways to do that:
1 - Make sure you have carbs already digesting in your stomach, the process that breaks them down results in further reactions that break down the capsaicin.
2 - Milk. This works in the mouth, less so in the stomach, and doesn't work at all with lactose free stuff since that's the active ingredient. Sadly standard milk just isn't powerful enough to do much once you get to the level of superhots but maybe if you could buy straight lactose that could go in some kind of super potion.
lactose is just a sugar isn't it? neither protein nor lipid? do lactose metabolites bind cap?
otherwise lactose has nothing to do with cap cramps.... Unless you are lactose intolerant and chugging milk and eating icecream after a hot chili. ;)
Pills of peppermint oil help for me. They have to be enteric coated oil. It takes a lot less oil when it bypasses the stomach and is absorbed in the intestines.
I've ate about 20-30 entire pods in the last two years and i eat habaneros raw on the regular. If i dont have a fairly full belly before eating any superhot i will get really bad cramps that paralyze me. I never throw up but i have gotten the "shotgun" type number two and a slight burn in my urine following the explosion. There are only two things i have found that help prevent the cap cramp. Make sure you eat something heavy before hand pancakes, bread, beans, fast food ect. The second i think is the most important and helps me the most, remove the seeds. I have found that removing the seeds and overchewing the meat of the pepper helps tremendously in preventing the belly burn. I find the seeds seem to make my number two's worse and stomach pains worse as well. I love eating peppers raw and find this step crucial. Now if you get really really bad cap cramps the only two things i have found to give me temporary relief is yogurt or ice cream. Happy eating everyone!
Nigel said:
. However, I do get hot pee, showing that it`s being filtered out of the blood via the kidneys.
I have it all go through the intestines, so I don't get this. Can you also feel it everywhere else if that much of it's going in the blood stream?
I've had hot sweat. Yep, sweating on the face that runs down, or gets smeared into the eyes and then the burnnnnnnnnnn.......
salsalady said:
I've had hot sweat. Yep, sweating on the face that runs down, or gets smeared into the eyes and then the burnnnnnnnnnn.......
Are you sure yo did not use your hands to wipe the sweat, not knowing there's a tiny bit of heat on them. The sweat washed the heat down then right into your eyes.  :hot:
Happened something similar a week ago, could be enriched sweat, but I think I somehow got the stuff on my forehead. I have eaten a yellow habanero of some sort started sweating a little and baaam, got into my eyes. The thing is, I usually use the back of my palm for everything, since I befriended chillies. Could it actually be hot sweat?  :rolleyes: