It is my opinion that the writer of the article you've posted is someone who does not eat spicy food and is phobic of chile heat. There is wayyyyy too much research proving otherwise. Case in point:
This as well as a number of other research papers prove otherwise. Albeit there may a case to those with an already existing predisposition to skin cancer may have adverse effects the majority simply will not be affected by it. You know, we live in this society where once something is touted for its healing properties(ie: Acai berries, Goji berries, chile peppers, shark cartilage, glucosamine, chondroitan, echinacea, goldenseal, what have you) there will always be some nay-sayer(usually Big Pharma-driven) working in a concerted effort to debunk it.
We live in a society of "may" and "may" IS NOT concrete evidence(ie: This product 'may' cause tooth loss, Smoking 'may' cause birth defects and cause cancer, Drinking alcohol 'may' inhibit your ability to drive or operate a motor vehicle). The same goes for things that are NOT poisons to the body(ie: Acai berry 'may' lower blood pressure and boost immune function. Glucosamine/Chondroitan 'may' help relieve bone and joint movement. Eating chile peppers 'may' be corrosive to your digestive tract), YET... there is None, Zero, Zilch scientific nor medical research to back up that it causes any damage at all.
I will eat chile peppers and put them on my skin until the day that I croak at the ripe old age of 105. The rest of those writing such articles as the one that IceBarker posted will all die by the age of 50 due to their paranoia.