review Capsicum Eximium (CO 1225 but possible X) Pod Test

Pod review of Capsicum eximium that I grew in my Aerogarden. The seed was from a seed train, labeled as Eximium CO 1225. I don't know if the pod/plant is true. I can't find any pictures of what a CO 1225 is supposed to look like. I have seen a few pod pictures labeled as eximium that were small and berry-like. These pods are about 2.5 - 3 inches long, maybe 3/4 - 1 inch wide. The outer skin is extremely thin, hard and pliable. I couldn't break it down much while chewing. The inside was very juicy/wet, almost mushy, and smelled slightly fruity. The flavor was mild and sweet. It tasted and smelled like no other pepper I've tried before. If I had to pick one, the flavor was closer to pubescens, but only slightly. I like how the plant looks, the stems are purple/grey and fuzzy, flowers are white.
If you are saving seeds,drop eximium out of the name.Eximium will not cross with anything other than eximium complex or C.pubescens. Those crosses will result in tan to brown colored seeds. My guess is your seed packets were mixed up.
Pr0digal_son said:
If you are saving seeds,drop eximium out of the name.Eximium will not cross with anything other than eximium complex or C.pubescens. Those crosses will result in tan to brown colored seeds. My guess is your seed packets were mixed up.
Thanks for sharing that, good info.
I have the same looking plant with same looking pods that are orange. Placenta is white. I have no idea what kind of cross it is. They are quite hot though.
Tarzan said:
I have the same looking plant with same looking pods that are orange. Placenta is white. I have no idea what kind of cross it is. They are quite hot though.
Do yours have the super tough skin as well? I've never seen anything like that on a pepper, really odd. I was thinking it might make a good powder. If it's dried really well, the skin might break down.
I think they do. The skin is really thin, at several points between placental 'ribs' almost a bit transparent. I thought the skin was like that, because they were that thin, but it might be something else. If they are in fact related, I noticed they can be hot on the entry, but I've had no issues later on. I did try a couple of them, that were bitter. And I mean really bitter. My vocal cords closed for a little while. :P
They dry without any hassle, with just a bit of draft, you don't even need a dehydrator. Made a puree last year with some lime juice and apple vinegar and there was no bitterness left.
Not the best chillies to eat fresh, but as far as I've tried them, more than worthy when you make sauce. Especially, because they seem to be much milder when they get inside - and when they go out again.  :fireball:
Tarzan said:
I think they do. The skin is really thin, at several points between placental 'ribs' almost a bit transparent. I thought the skin was like that, because they were that thin, but it might be something else. If they are in fact related, I noticed they can be hot on the entry, but I've had no issues later on. I did try a couple of them, that were bitter. And I mean really bitter. My vocal cords closed for a little while. :P
They dry without any hassle, with just a bit of draft, you don't even need a dehydrator. Made a puree last year with some lime juice and apple vinegar and there was no bitterness left.
Not the best chillies to eat fresh, but as far as I've tried them, more than worthy when you make sauce. Especially, because they seem to be much milder when they get inside - and when they go out again.  :fireball:
Thanks for sharing that!