spicefreak Mar 27, 2018 #21 Currently growing a Reaper that is caramel. I can make no assurances that it's the same one but it's a strain that came from Puckerbutt. Will keep you posted.
Currently growing a Reaper that is caramel. I can make no assurances that it's the same one but it's a strain that came from Puckerbutt. Will keep you posted.
AJ Drew Mar 30, 2018 #22 ButIDontWantAUsernam said: https://store.puckerbuttpeppercompany.com/products/organic-caramel-reaper there's not really pictures but here you go Click to expand... i love your user name.
ButIDontWantAUsernam said: https://store.puckerbuttpeppercompany.com/products/organic-caramel-reaper there's not really pictures but here you go Click to expand... i love your user name.