review Carbonero Creme pod test

Pod review of Carbonero Creme. Seeds were from Tony Sherwood. I really like this pepper, nice sweet flavor.
Great review, Peter. Didn't know these even existed (haven't been keeping as up to date with any new varieties out lately though..)The Carbonero is one of my favorite peppers for just snacking on for its flavor alone; I’m always tempted to just keep eating them. This crème variation sounds interesting, like a more mild flavored/sweeter pod. Really great looks on these too! (looks a bit thicker walled than the original orange Carbonero, from the ones I’ve had at least) Thanks for the vid!  
Alchymystic said:
Great review, Peter. Didn't know these even existed (haven't been keeping as up to date with any new varieties out lately though..)The Carbonero is one of my favorite peppers for just snacking on for its flavor alone; I’m always tempted to just keep eating them. This crème variation sounds interesting, like a more mild flavored/sweeter pod. Really great looks on these too! (looks a bit thicker walled than the original orange Carbonero, from the ones I’ve had at least) Thanks for the vid!  
Email me to get my updated seed list and information..  
You should really get a little site set up to sell your seeds Tony. Carbonero cream is one of my favorites for sure. I was gonna grow orange carbonero this year, but I'm cutting way back and it didnt make the final list.