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Carbonero Experience?

Just wanted to see if anybody's carbonero experience lines up with what I'm seeing from my supposed carbonero plants.

Being a bhut/habanero cross, I'd expect it to look similar to them, but it's currently sitting next to some bhuts and bonnets and is exhibiting some interesting differences.

#1. It's very hairy in comparison. Not exactly tomato like, but moving in that direction.
#2. It likes to grow taller rather than wider like all of my other chinense, almost double the height.
#3. The leaves are prone to cupping. The air is dry, but none of my other plants are doing this, just these for some reason.

Pictures. Left bhut, right carb.

I will follow up once fruits set, but this seems rather unlike my other chinense.


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It has been about 3 years since I last grew Carboneros, but I do seem to remember them generally having a tallish growth habit when mature. I don't recall leaf cupping being a particular issue, but mine were definitely a little hairy, especially under the leaves, see photo above. And mine were absolutely legit, since I got my original seeds direct from their creator, Tony Sherwood. My Carbonero plants tended to be quite vigorous and productive too. I think it is a really good variety to grow.
Kramer said:
Being a bhut/habanero cross, I'd expect it to look similar to them, but it's currently sitting next to some bhuts and bonnets and is exhibiting some interesting differences.
Yes, but the Carbonero is actually a 3-way cross; it's a (Bhut Indian Carbon x 7 Pot Yellow) x Orange Hab I believe. So there is a bit of a mix in its gene pool.
Interesting, thanks for your insights BlackFatalii.  I did not know there was 7 pot in its heritage, the description only mentioned the bhut carbon x habanero.  Got them from Hippy Seed Co since I was already picking up a few other obscure things there.
I can see the similarity between your plant and mine, definitely a bit hairy for sure.
And yeah, not too sure what the cupping is all about given there's a pretty decent variety of other chinense and annums on the same rack subjected to same conditions, and none of them are cupping.  So long as it keeps growing, I guess I'm fine with it.