Careful with Spinosad

Seeing how my neem has not put an end to my thripp issue, I added Spinosad to the mix.
Most of the plants did fairly well with their evening treatment...but some suffered burned leaves.
Some worse than others. Never seen this reaction with tomatoes and the eggplants were completely unaffected as well.
So at this point, I feel the best course of action is a double-strength shot of neglect with a side of W.G.A.F.....funny how plants respond so well to that isn't it?
yes, i haven't really found neem to be that effective against anything.
I have always heard that not all NEEM is created equal, so that must be true. Because the NEEM that I've seen/used is some damn effective shit. Everything from whitefly to head lice.

Of course, you have to know your enemy. Some treatments are only effective against larval stages, while others are only effective against adults, thus requiring a combined treatment. And if you miss even just a few...
I had this issue this year with ferts. 
I got some chem burn on a couple plants from watering.  Same species, different sides of watering, and no other plants were effected.  I guess the brown morugas are a bit more delicate than others.  
I hear you about the neem quality. I got some Azamax which is suppose to be the shiz...may go back to my plain-wrap which seems to have done better last year.
True about how some are more delicate than others. Think I over enriched my soil and some plants are just hating it while others are indifferent. Actually, the one plant showing the most burn is in soil that I used last year and didn't 'recharge' with amendments. Hmmmmmm, for sure must have been the Spinosad. 
Oh well, I'll check on them in a week...In the mean time, they're on their own (and probably happy about that).
Kikaida said:
I hear you about the neem quality. I got some Azamax which is suppose to be the shiz...may go back to my plain-wrap which seems to have done better last year.
I fit the "holistic" profile a little more than not, so Azamax is out for me. But I won't tell you that it doesn't work.