Caribbean Red ripening process

From first signs of ripening to fully ripe, how many days for a caribbean red hab?

I have my first one thats about 5 days past the first sign of ripening and the whole pepper is orange.

1. Do these have a definite orange phase they pass through on the way to red?

2. How long does it normally take to ripen fully for these type of habs?
You might have Caribbean Hot there, an orange variety. Don't worry, if that is the case, you won't miss out on any heat! :)

They take quite a while to ripen, but when they're orange, they are ripe. Given that it is a Car. Hot, haven't grown the reds yet.
i don't have any answers for you on that, but i'm wondering the same thing about some red chinenses whether they commonly go all orange before turning red or if to just pick them orange if they keep that way
teh purple penguins said:
i don't have any answers for you on that, but i'm wondering the same thing about some red chinenses whether they commonly go all orange before turning red or if to just pick them orange if they keep that way

Some red ones do go all orange before turning red and others go straight to red.
Mine do three different things:

1: They turn slight redish at the top where the calyx meets the flesh of the fruit.

2: They turn slight redish (either red, orange or chocolate color) near the bottom tip or along the side of the pod.

3: Both 1 & 2 at the same time.

They ALL have a somewhat dark orange faze where almost the entire pod is that color:

After a day or two they are completly dark red.

My pods start to show the first signs of ripening like #1 and #2 and in 3 to 4 days they are completly ripe.
Here is an Orange Habanero I took at the same time to show color comparison:

Also heres an Image I found on Google Image search that appears to show the ripening stages of a Caribbean Red.

teh purple penguins said:
i don't have any answers for you on that, but i'm wondering the same thing about some red chinenses whether they commonly go all orange before turning red or if to just pick them orange if they keep that way

I'll keep you posted on my results. Mine is currently orange but its a much darker orange than orange habs.
Chiliac said:
You might have Caribbean Hot there, an orange variety. Don't worry, if that is the case, you won't miss out on any heat! :)

They take quite a while to ripen, but when they're orange, they are ripe. Given that it is a Car. Hot, haven't grown the reds yet.

The seeds came from Whatcom seed company and are definitely sold as "Caribbean Red" habanero's
RichardK said:
Here is an Orange Habanero I took at the same time to show color comparison:

Thanks for all the pics Richard. That helps.
It appears I just need to be a bit more patient.
teh purple penguins said:
i have the same dark orange color. i guess patience isn't that common :)

I used to try and develop patience, but I got tired of waiting for it after 5 minutes and gave up :)
i picked some solid orange ones yesterday so lets see if they ripen a little
the j scotch bonnet i picked green is turnin a lil yellow(final color) so hopefully they are less than a week away heh..
Mine never really went to an orange-y color. Mine go from bright green straight to red, like Richard's pics show. It does take a few days to rfully ripen when they start, however. Mine took about a good solid week to go completely red.
Mine are a really light green that turn to the brighest red you could get. They are really pretty, and very hot. Love em, I'm keeping seeds on them for next season.