• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Cariocarj01 - Grow Season 2013

Official start of my grow season - 07/01/13.


Rocoto Manzano Amarillo - 2
Rocoto Manzano Rojo - 2
Rocoto Canario - 2
Rocoto Costa Rica Red - 2
Rocoto Equador Red - 2
Rocoto Costa Rica Yellow - 2
Orange Locoto - 2


Aji Habanero - 2
Aji Golden - 2
Aji Amarillo - 2
Aji Escabeche - 2
Aji Piura - 2
Aji Cristal - 2
Aji Omnicolor - 2
Aji Angelo - 2
Birgits Locoto - 2
Brazilian Pumpkim - 2
Dedo de Moca - 2

C. Annuum e C. Chinense

Numex Sweet - 1
Numex Sunrise - 1
Numex Eclipse - 1
Numex Sunset - 1
Numex Bailey Pequim - 1
Marconi Red Italian Pepper - 1
T.S.B.T - 1

See you... Flávio.

Some photos:

The start 1:

The start 2:

Here are two more photos of the beginning og my 2013 season.

My germination house:

Last week




The light is a CFL 22w 6500k (it's not enough) but is temporary. I was waiting to a 4 x 24w T5 seedling light to come today (but the mail delivery is delayed) :mad: :mad: :mad:

See you... Flávio.
Yup, that's edema...too much water/not enough air circulation causes it. Plants still look healthy overall though. Add a fan...or a stronger one and watch the water and they'll be fine.
Cool, don't think it'll clear up on the leaves already affected??? Just keep an eye on new growth and see if it looks better. Good luck! looking forward to some update pics!!!
Hi everybody!!!

After a long period of time without posting, i'm back today.
Here is one photo of my ex-babies (they are growing up fast):


But i'm thinking in prune those tall Aji at the left size because they are not strong enough. Does someone agree with this or not?
They are in my dinner room now (and grow) and i'll try this week to repoting all plants in 18l pots and transfer all to my 2m x 1m little green house.
The CFL is 250w 6500K.

See you... Flávio

Cool, don't think it'll clear up on the leaves already affected??? Just keep an eye on new growth and see if it looks better. Good luck! looking forward to some update pics!!!


The affected leaves still affected, but the new ones are clean.

Thanks, Flávio.

After a long period without activity again (i've got some health issues), i'm back... and some photos from last days.
In the Greenhouse the pepper plants are bigger and bigger.

Numex Sweet

TSBT flower. I bought it as a TSBT but it doesn't look like a TSBT. (crosspolination for sure)

I bought it as a TSBT but it doesn't look like a TSBT. (crosspolination for sure)

I bought it as a TSBT but it doesn't look like a TSBT. (crosspolination for sure)

Rocoto Manzano Rojo flower.

Aji Amarillo

More photos tomorrow... see you... Flávio.
Those Rocoto or Manzano flowers are sure perdy...as are the Aji's. Did you buy those Butch T seeds off E-bay? There have been a lot of folks that ended up with Cayennes after ordering super seeds off ebay, which is what yours looks like.

Your greenhouse looks awesome, and the plants look to be loving it!
Nice setup and plants! Rocoto and Aji Amarillo are the most used varieties in my house (my wife and MIL are both Peruvian). Great peppers to grow and eat. I start my grow in the dining room too, unfortunately. It's nice that you have that little greenhouse to move them to. Ajies always grow big, tall and sometimes lanky as I'm sure you know by now. They look great. Thanks for the update!

Today i decided to pick up one of my unripe (suppose to be) TSBT (i was thinking to taste later). They look like a Cayenne but now i know they are not a Cayenne.

I picked up one unriped TSBT and left on the kitchen table. My wife saw that and ask me: can i taste a piece of the pepper?
I answered: yes, of course you can.

A few minutes later she screamed: My mouth is burning as hell and my tongue is numb, i can't fell my tongue!!!

So i decide to try a tiny tiny piece to fell if it was so hot as she told me... a few minutes later my reaction was the same: my mouth and my troath was burning as hell
and my tongue was numb,
i couldn't fell my tongue for a minutes,
so i decide to take a big spoon of double cream to help... it helps but was not enough... i took one more spoon of double cream and was better, but still burning for a while after that.

Conclusion: it is a crosspolination From a TSBT with another long pepper. And is really hot!!!

Now i'm going to wait the others to ripe and try a piece to compare and see if is hotter or not.

See you... Flávio.

stc3248 said:
Those Rocoto or Manzano flowers are sure perdy...as are the Aji's. Did you buy those Butch T seeds off E-bay? There have been a lot of folks that ended up with Cayennes after ordering super seeds off ebay, which is what yours looks like.

Your greenhouse looks awesome, and the plants look to be loving it!
Rocoto flowers are my favorite.
I bought those TSBT from a man in Danmark... not E-bay.
I'm planing to build up one greenhouse bigger to the peppers next year and this one will be only for tomatoes.

Dshlogg said:
Nice setup and plants! Rocoto and Aji Amarillo are the most used varieties in my house (my wife and MIL are both Peruvian). Great peppers to grow and eat. I start my grow in the dining room too, unfortunately. It's nice that you have that little greenhouse to move them to. Ajies always grow big, tall and sometimes lanky as I'm sure you know by now. They look great. Thanks for the update!
I really decide to try Rocoto and Aji this year because they can tolerate colder weather than other peppers, and after i start to read about i dyscovered a lot of people on internet writing good things about Rocotos and Aji. So i think i made a good choice this year.
Now all my Rocotos are out side and only the Aji and Numex are inside in the greenhouse.

A small harvest from today at my home.
Numex Sweet


All my pepper plants suffered during the two weeks of lack of irrigation (I was on vacation and had no one to water them), but Numex Sweet were those who suffered most. These peppers photo above maybe you can not see properly but are all wilted and very soft to touch and i do not know if they are good to eat (not tasted yet to know if they are good).

See you.
