chinense Carolina Reaper Has the Record Again?

Just refreshed the Guinness page as I have been doing for months and found that the Carolina Reaper is officially the world record again. Go figure. I guess this means we can rule out Pepper X and Dragon's Breath claiming anything any time soon.
Also interesting to note is the new new new new new origin story, including the Naga Viper. A chilli that has absolutely nothing in common with the Reaper, flavourwise.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
    Not to take a Cleveland steamer on your thread, bud, but...     Does anybody around here really care about the Carolina Reaper anymore? Pepper drama is so 2012.
     Honest question. I'm asking for a friend.
Retro-themed drama is so IN right now, though.
Personally, i like to take an opportunity to piss, moan, kvetch, and act outraged any time i can.
As long as its the world's hottest, people will be interested in the Carolina Reaper.
I think that the majority of people are more interested in The World's Hottest Pepper than they are in the Carolina Reaper, or Pepper X, or Dragon's Breath, or 7 Pot Primo. Maybe not the majority of Pepper People, but the majority of the masses.
On the original topic, what about Naga Viper, Infinity 7 Pot and Trinidiad Moruga Scorpion? I thought they all came after the Butch -T? And, the Naga Viper wasn't around in 2003, was it? So how did Mr Currie spend 10 years working on a cross of it?
Have I been thinking wrong this whole time? Are these the real facts?
ThatBlondGuy101 said:
On the original topic, what about Naga Viper, Infinity 7 Pot and Trinidiad Moruga Scorpion? I thought they all came after the Butch -T? And, the Naga Viper wasn't around in 2003, was it? So how did Mr Currie spend 10 years working on a cross of it?
Have I been thinking wrong this whole time? Are these the real facts?
The Guinness line of succession is: Red Savina, Bhut Jolokia, Infinity, Naga Viper, Butch T, Reaper. The Moruga Scorpion never held the Guinness title, but was declared the hottest by CPI in 2012 after it tested just over 2 million SHU. 
And yes, I'm pretty sure the Naga Viper didn't even exist in 2003. My current theory is that Ed must have mastered time travel to pull that one off.  :lol:
It is an interesting coincidence how Ed's timeline-defying 4-way cross of Naga Viper x Hab (Naga Viper is itself a 3-way cross) just happened to produce a pepper that is virtually identical in every way to what Troy Primeaux's Naga Morich x 7 Pot cross produced. Just saying.
Ed Currie and "the real facts", ummm, yeah...
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
FACT: Listening to this improves the thread by 1000%
ALTERNATIVE FACT: Mr Currie hasn't had confirmation from Guinness on Pepper X yet because he has a plan to go back in time and plant some Pepper X seeds in pre-Columbus South America, where they will be discovered. The world of chillies as we know it will be hundreds of times hotter by now, but we will never have known any different... So what will Ed do? Rather than competing to create the hottest pepper, he will create the MILDEST!!!! (Shock/horror!) Luckily, he has some Bell seeds in his back pocket....
- cue evil laughter -