chinense Carolina Reaper is that the hottest ?

On any given day you'll find one hotter than the other.  But as KingChile said, the one that seems to be the most consistent is the Brown Moruga Scorpion from  The interwebz are now littered with people who have video reviews of themselves eating the Brown Moruga.  I'm pretty sure the vast majority of them proclaim it as the hottest they've ever eaten.  I personally have only eaten two peppers hotter than the BMS.  One is another creation of Judy's that is still very much in it's infancy of development, the Red 7 Pot Lava (a few other reviewers have gotten their hands on them and I believe they've said it is hotter than the BMS as well).  The other was my own homegrown 7 Pot Brown.  In my experience though, the 7 Pot Brown doesn't typically get that high.  I've eaten 7 Pot Browns from 4 different sources, and only the one out of my garden was in the realm of the BMS and 7 Pot Lava.
If you are interested in the hottest pepper for mass appeal, the mainstream sill knows Ghost as the hottest. So if you are looking beyond a chilihead audience, your Ghost BBQ Sauce will do much better than your Reaper BBQ Sauce. Marketing.
Butch T still holds guinness title but yea, most folks not aware of this site and the fb groups still assume the title holder is ghost.
KingChile said:
Not true it all depends on ur Promoting and Marketing period!
Yeah you can spend millions getting people to know the pepper is the hottest just for it to be dethroned 6 weeks earlier. :P

Period. (lol)

Instead of spending money to tell people it's the hottest, go with what is perceived as hottest, and you don't have to tell them anything.
Well ur spending it more on marketing ur product rather than the pepper itself im sure somewhere in his promoting of his "Reaper" BBQ Sauce he is gonna put in there "The World's Hottest" or whatever else i see everyone else doing lol
If u want REAL hot id go talk to Judy bcuz i honestly think brown morugas would taste EXCELLENT in a bbq sauce!....but i dont think many people would be able to handle it lol
I am growing Reapers and plenty of other silliness, the Reapers are #2 or #3 in my 2013 grow for heat. #1 is a cross and taste awful to me and a few that reviewed it so doubtful I'll grow it again. Then again, smoked and mixed it makes an amazing powder!
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I am growing Reapers and plenty of other silliness, the Reapers are #2 or #3 in my 2013 grow for heat. #1 is a cross and taste awful to me and a few that reviewed it so doubtful I'll grow it again. Then again, smoked and mixed it makes an amazing powder!
What's your number 1 ? 
k. skwerl was generous enough to send me a pod. I just got to try parts of one today. They're really hot, lol. My TS Morugas seem to be slightly hotter. I can't enjoy eating whole pods past a ghost pepper, so I just eat parts of them. I think they taste better than TS Morugas. IMO it's good pepper.