Carolina reaper not producing pollen...

Hi there!
My Carolina reaper plant isn't and hasn't produced any pollen for about a month and a half now.. it produces flowers but they drop off after a little while. one or two flowers produce a minuscule amount of pollen and I attempt to pollinate, but nope, doesn't want to work.
I live in Sweden and we are having a record hot summer with temperatures around 92F (33c), MAX 95 (35c), during the day and 71F (22c) during the night. The humidity during the day ranging between 35%-55% during the day and 75%-95% during the night. My pot is around 15" (30cm) wide. I was watering every 3 days but have changed to every second due to the hot weather drying the soil quick. 
The nutes I am using is a dedicated hotpepper nute that has an NPK of 4-3-5 with traces of copper, zink, manganese, iron, bor and phosphor etc. 
I dilute 0.2 oz (6ml) into 67oz (2L) every time I water it.
It is very dark green and healthy otherwise.
I have a second hot pepper "Krebs Elegance" that I have in a greenhouse that reaches temperatures up to 115F (46c) and its is growing at least 100 hotpeppers on one plant in a pot with the width of 10"
I don't understand what is stopping the reaper from producing pods!?
Please help!

Chilidude said:
Where do you keep this Carolina reaper plant and pictures would be also good.
The plant looks kind of small, so it might not want to make any pods right now and do you keep the greenhouse door open during the day because 46c is not something i would like to see inside a greenhouse.
snap!, i'm in a very similar situation to you.
i'm going to try the following
1) put reaper and ghost in the shade between 12-4pm
2) not water until i see plant leaves sag
3) no npk for a while, only diluted seaweed once.
but honestly i think it will just produce fruit when it's ready, problem is our season might end rapidly!
I once had a Carolina reaper plant many years ago and it seemed quite the picky plant to produce so i did not get many pods during the summer. If you ever want to get plenty of pods with these hotter ones you need to start your growing season early as they will start producing pods when the plant is old enough to do so.
Chilidude said:
The plant looks kind of small, so it might not want to make any pods right now and do you keep the greenhouse door open during the day because 46c is not something i would like to see inside a greenhouse.
too small? really? 
50cm tall and 38cm wide
the Krebs elegance is way smaller
and the Krebs elegance seems to be loving the super hot temp. but I will open the door, you're likely right that 46 is way too hot. will probably grow even more if I open the door. 
ranj said:
snap!, i'm in a very similar situation to you.
i'm going to try the following
1) put reaper and ghost in the shade between 12-4pm
2) not water until i see plant leaves sag
3) no npk for a while, only diluted seaweed once.
but honestly i think it will just produce fruit when it's ready, problem is our season might end rapidly!
yeah maybe I should give mine more shade as well
Jackyboi said:
too small? really? 
50cm tall and 38cm wide
the Krebs elegance is way smaller
and the Krebs elegance seems to be loving the super hot temp. but I will open the door, you're likely right that 46 is way too hot. will probably grow even more if I open the door. 
My Naga morich plants are now around 70cmx70cm big and they where also topped in the late winter, it was only recently they started making pods after they had flowered for the longest of time. Krebs elegance is c.annuum, so it is way easier to grow than any c. chinense anyway.
Successful greenhouse growing needs both sun and moving air inside it to grow the plants, little over 20c is all you need as temps goes for growing all kind of chili plants.
is your GH plastic? , maybe you can lift the bottom covering by 2ft or more to create air flow, i find that 2 or 3 openings make it much better than just the door open.
ranj said:
is your GH plastic? , maybe you can lift the bottom covering by 2ft or more to create air flow, i find that 2 or 3 openings make it much better than just the door open.
yeah it is. the cover doesn't go all the way down so there is air flow, I don't have any problems with my greenhouse or the plant in it, just my reaper that I keep outside of it 
Chilidude said:
My Naga morich plants are now around 70cmx70cm big and they where also topped in the late winter, it was only recently they started making pods after they had flowered for the longest of time. Krebs elegance is c.annuum, so it is way easier to grow than any c. chinense anyway.
Successful greenhouse growing needs both sun and moving air inside it to grow the plants, little over 20c is all you need as temps goes for growing all kind of chili plants.
ahh okay, I guess they need their time. Btw want to say thank you for all the advice you give me :) not the frist of my posts that you have responded to haha