Thanks Jelder.
Just spoke to Ed yesterday....if Guinness pulls through like they FINALLY should....all hell is going to break loose in the medias.
We're going to put the Chilehead community on it's a nice way.
With this blitz of media attention....and 100,000's of thousands of Carolina Reapers being grown out this you know what I find SO AMUSING?
When I first announced it here on THP in February of '12....we had maybe a dozen vocal critics that came close to calling us liars...
Read one of the longest threads ever at THP @
EVERY fact that I stated that they slammed us for is now an established FACT.
Did they apologize???? No, that's not the way that they roll.
But if you take the time to read this long and Ed Currie were 100% right on EVERY statement that we made.
And now the Carolina Reaper is History....and it's recognition is just getting started.
And guess what????
What Ed Currie and myself will roll out in the next 5 to 10 years will just AMAZE our Chilehead friends.