Carolina Reaper Peppers Turning Black

Hi All,
I am a brand new pepper grower and loving it so far. I am currently growing Italian long hots and Carolina Reaper Peppers in containers. Each container is greater than 5 gallons. My long hots are doing great, but I started to notice something worrying with my reaper peppers. So far, I have had 2 reaper peppers mature and ripen from green to red. 
Recently though I have noticed that a significant amount of the reaper peppers are turning black instead of orange. I did some reading on pepper sun tanning, but this seems to be a little different. I have attached a picture of what I am looking at. Does anyone have an idea on what is happening here? 


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Sunburn. My Aji Lemon Drops are filthy with it. I was told years ago when bells and anaheims were my only varieties that the reason pepper leaves tend to get big and droopy or try to set most of their pods deep in the canopy was to protect pods from sunburn.
If you turn the peppers over, are they black underneath? If so, then yes, you have a different problem.
I looked underneath my peppers and they are not black. It seems like it is in fact sun burn! 
Now that I think back... I had a deer who ate some of the leaves on top of my plant. Only the peppers where the leaves were eaten have this black pattern. Seems like sun burn is the culprit!
Little deer hint: They hate the smell and taste of hot peppers.  I use damaged pods to make a pepper tea and spray the plants.
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