Carolina reaper problems

Hi there my first post here, sorry if this is the wrong section, I've been growing these carolina reapers since January, under lights then moved to a window ledge, they have been fine until recently, it just sits there looking sad if that's a possible way to describe a plant... All my
Plants where potted on a week ago due to being root bound, I used a different type of compost, as I work in agriculture mostly everything I use is commercial grade (Not in the growing department), this compost is a klassmanns terActiv fl mix compost with nitrogen stable wood fibre, it's supposed to be a free draining mix but as the weather here (England) has been terrible for the last week there not drying out, all my other plants ( reapers, Bhuts, habs) are fine, just this one reaper is bad, it recently had a aphid out break which has now been sprayed, I have not been able to fertilise it due to the moist compost it already has, I use one of these ferts once a week 19-19-19 fert, a 15-5-15 or a 4-3-8 depending how desperate they look, I'm not sure what else I can do, it's starting to flower but not polinating, getting more droopy by the hour, if anyone has any ideas what I can do to help it out please make a suggestion, I'm nearly at the point of sticking it on a heated caparillary mating to help dry it!

Hope these photos can help

It really doesn't look bad to me. The only issue I see is some potential over-fertilizing evidence in picture #2 with the wrinkly new growth. I'd clip that leaf that's showing a little yellow in case that's a bacterial issue, but otherwise I'd say less "love" and more patience, and it should be fine. And only water when the soil's dry. Youi might want to back off of the ferts to once every other watering instead of every week. Good luck!
Buzz said:
It really doesn't look bad to me. The only issue I see is some potential over-fertilizing evidence in picture #2 with the wrinkly new growth. I'd clip that leaf that's showing a little yellow in case that's a bacterial issue, but otherwise I'd say less "love" and more patience, and it should be fine. And only water when the soil's dry. Youi might want to back off of the ferts to once every other watering instead of every week. Good luck!

Thanks for the reply the yellow leaf is where the alphid out break started must of been 30+ youngsters on the underside of the leaf, it also had white fly on the curled leaves on the top, I only water when its bone dry, after the repot I had to give them a good soaking and Unfortunately they have still not dried out, I'll give the fert a miss for a week and see what happens, hopefully this time next week they will be outside in my new greenhouse,

All the best
Aphids do indeed suck.... as well as white flies. Nothing a little mineral or Neem oil can't cure. I'm pretty sure the plant will be in great shape once the roots get established in their new home. Could just be a little transplant shock if you loosened the root ball when you transplanted. Happy Growing, and may your peppers burn your face off :D!
Come and take my bacon burger!
Let them dry out a bit and hold off on the ferts for a while. Even in my rootbound pots I only use single digit ferts every other watering, or 1 in 3 if they start looking fert stressed.
(PH Perfect micro, grow and bloom)
They will be a bit unhappy switching soil and transplanting, but will pull through.