Hello, I am currently on my second attempt germinating Carolina Reaper seeds. The thing I did wrong on the first try was I would water them then they would get completely dry within an hour, so they never grew. Now I have a humidity dome and heat mat and have a few questions about watering. I am afraid of either making the seeds not grow from lack of water or making them rot. So I put the seeds in the little cells on my growing tray and watered them very well on Tuesday, which is when they went in. They are on a heat mat with a humidity dome. Today I noticed that there is a ring of dry soil around moist soil in the middle. My question is, do they need watered or are they fine? How do I tell if I need to water them? And do I water from the top (I did the first time) or the bottom (since my tray has holes in each cell)? Finally, does the heat mat make the water dry faster at the bottom of the soil and leave the top looking moist, or is it if the top is moist so is the bottom? I have attached pictures. Thank you for any help! I am new to this!