chinense Carolina Reaper & The Reaper.

I spoke with Ed back in September and he said there were "a few" authorized dealers.  So no, PepperJoe is not an exclusive dealer.  My advice, if you want be sure of getting true seed, get them from Ed or Mike McD
Edited because someone's panties got in a wad.
JayT said:
I spoke with Ed back in September and he said there were "a few" authorized dealers.  So no, Pepperf**k is not an exclusive dealer.  My advice, if you want be sure of getting true seed, get them from Ed or Mike McD
I agree if you want to know 100% there "CSRP" then get them from Ed, they still might not grow true but you will know there CSRP.   If your not so concerned get them for cheaper and from some one you trust.    