Yes, here was the conversation:
Hi Aaron,
Yes, you can get pod vaqriation on the same plant.
One pod looks like a Ghost Pepper, the other a smooth Reaper without the tail??
Anyway, I hope you don't lose that many months too. One thing is for sure....that one pod should be HOT as our testing stayed in a very tight range of SHU.
> I will wait for more pods to develop and see if there is any difference. Are you seeing that you can see pod variation on the same plant? I hope you are right because I have already invested 4 months of growing. I will keep you posted.
> Regarding the pictures, you can see them here at the following links:
> The pictures are two separate plants both from Carolina Reaper seeds.
> Thanks
> Aaron
> -----Original Message-----
> Hi Aaron,
> Sorry....could not open those pics on my laptop.
> There is Pod variation with SuperHots. But you should see many that look like our Reaper Pods show up.
> If not, we can send you a replacement pack.
> Thanks,
> Pepper Joe