carribean reds

I'll take the taste factor over the heat anyday, and I have grown the hot ones, but when it comes down to cooking or saucing .............,.."taste matters"
I agree with everyone else. The numbers mean almost nothing. Pods can vary so wildly that two plants grown from the same seed in different locations can have two completely different heat levels. Heck I've had pods off the SAME PLANT where one was nice and edible and the other made me tear up from a tiny sliver. Best way to gauge heat is to taste a LOT of different peppers, and when you start getting that tolerance, make your friends (or some nice folks at THP) eat em too! It's real tough to judge year to year as well through tasting because tolerance changes a lot.
my tolerance is high. but some annums do burn............

Im guessing each type of chili annum, chinse, and fructens
each have a different type of capsacium. you can build tolerance to one but another u may not.

I noticed my second hottest chili im growing after the jolokia

are my burning hearts. these are a scotch bonnet hybrid. hotter than my savinas, scotch bonnets, and carib reds.
my tolerance is high. but some annums do burn............

Im guessing each type of chili annum, chinse, and fructens
each have a different type of capsacium. you can build tolerance to one but another u may not.

I noticed my second hottest chili im growing after the jolokia

are my burning hearts. these are a scotch bonnet hybrid. hotter than my savinas, scotch bonnets, and carib reds.
Let's just put the fact you never spell anything right aside. it's ok. I, personally, am dyslexic, so the last one to comment on your writing skills.

You like to talk about chiles, and that's great. we all do. that's one of the main reasons this place even exists. there are several things you don't understand.

The first would be that most of the members here know their business. they KNOW chiles. meaning when you show us a picture of two C. annuum plants one next to the other and say "see? my Bhut Jolokias and Jalapeños have crossed", we know it isn't the case. the same goes to a weird C. annuum you rename, magically discover its genetic origins and claim to be hotter than respectable C. chinense varieties. not only I don't think it's plausible, I'm pretty sure it's impossible. don't let me get started with you distributing Jalapeño seeds as "Nagapeño" - a magical Bhut Jolokia x Jalapeño cross, or how you trashed Neil's seeds, THAT EVENTUALLY SPROUTED JUST FINE! just because you didn't know how or when they will.

This leads me to the second thing. even though most are somewhat experts, not everyone is. when you write bad information, and you do... A LOT. you're misinforming people. when you trash Neil's seeds, people may decide not to buy from him. that's his livelihood and you don't mess with a person's livelihood. not everything gets crossed all the time. a chile plant, no matter how close to another plant, can self-pollinate. furthermore, a single chile flower can self-pollinate. planned hybridization takes much planning and work! AFTER that magical process happens you sow the seeds and grow a plant that might or might not show the genetic features of both parents. only then you can decide if it worked and harvest the seeds.

You've joined a month ago, and it was quite an amusing month. myself and other members chose not to comment as we all know how it takes time to dive in to this world. you don't have to be a chile expert right away... we don't mind. we do mind when misinformation is floating about.

It's a debate. you're in a discussion board. people do comment, but you just ignore them all. just look between your last comment and the one before that. many comments pointed directly at you. comments regarding your misinformation. you choose to ignore.

Bottom line is, it's been way too long for you to behave this way. you've reached a crossroad. if you choose to straighten up, people will gladly welcome you to our community and we'll probably become great friends. if you choose to stay on your current road, I'm sad to say I would probably stop reading your posts.

Take care
It would be nice to get a response to questions people ask of you, see post #18, and it's the only way to keep a conversation going. That is a great way to learn from each other.
+1 Patrick and +4 Billion Omri

When we make a bad comment or send out misinformation there is a great opening to learn, but preachers won't learn.

As for Neil....papa that man can.... oh hell nevermind you will learn or FADE AWAY........poof