food Carrot Pasta Sauce

Karin's Carrot Sauce
(6 servings)

4 carrots
50g cabbage
2 onions
1 red chili
3 cloves of garlic
600g chopped tomatoes
150g crème fraise
Olive oil

Grate carrots and cabbage and fry together in olive oil. Put aside and fry fine chopped chili, onion and garlic. Mix everything together with tomatoes and spices. After a few minutes add the créme fraise and let the sauce simmer. Serve with pasta.

Karin is a friend of mine, we made this together at my place and I was amazed at how freaking good it tasted, sounded boring when she described it ;) But it was great!
Isn't it greasy with all those fried veggies?
I'd take a guess and say probably not.. its got the tomatoes in it plus the creme fraise so it'd probably even out.. when you cook other sauces you usually saute the onion and garlic in olive oil and it comes out ok :D
My baaaaaaaad! I thought it said SOUP! I thought this was a strange soup!!!!!! Sorry.
Welcome Ms e.z. and thanks for sharing this recipe.

When I worked as a cook at a day-care center, I used to make spaghetti sauce with carrots and the kids loved it. Add in the creme fraiche of your recipe.................ohhhhhh MAN! Good stuff!

Thanks for sharing~