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CarvinGuitarist's Grow Log

Just took this picture a while ago and thought I would start a glog here.


The second one in on the right is a Thai Dragon and is the tallest. The one next to it is a Jalapeno that I saved seeds from because it was so hot I couldn't eat it and neither could the Mexican friends I work with. :lol:
Just took this picture for an update.
Some are looking a little rough despite just watering them for the most part.
I just gave them a little Grow Big, Big Bloom and Cal-Mag in a diluted form.

Plants look good, carvin. Some good summer son will get
rid of those rough edges. Good luck going forward.
Thanks Paul. Yes it has been mild here lately with temps rarely above 80.
I also think I may be holding back a little more on the water than I should but maybe they are OK water wise.
Plants look nice and dense, they will start to boom soon as I can see some are starting to fork out. The plants are in the right proportion......if they get too tall when too young the branches will become top heavy when fruting. I'd recommend only watering when the pots feel lightweight. The roots need oxygen and if the soil remains wet you will be in for a wide range of problems.
Paul has the right idea, let the summer sun bring on the new growth, and I'd continue to use your nutes moderately but highly diluted. Rain is the best hydration and when its in tyhe forecast let your pots dry out a bit beforehand

"Plants look nice and dense"

Yea your plants look very dense and healthy!!! I am interested about that jalapeno!!!

What soil are you using?
Greg, no rain here in CA in the summer. It is extremely rare. I need to get some rain buckets someday.
I have been watering only when I feel them getting light as you said.

William, I am using Kellogg Patio Plus straight from the bag.

Jamison, yes it is good stuff but I am thinking of switching to Earth Juice as it is organic and has no salts to build up in the soil.
It's about the same price as Fox Farms stuff as well.