• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


As some have suggested pepper flakes/powders do you. You can also sprinkle some moth balls in the area where the plants are. No Dog or Cat will get near those.

Before you consider some of the more violent methods check you State and Local Animal Cruelty laws/regulations.

Here in Texas it is a felony to inhumanely kill an animal ie .22,air rifle etc. Trapping and dumping to a "new" location, where they do not know the food sources and dangers can also be in violation of Loco's Law here in Texas.

So unless you are prepared for a criminal conviction on your record, which will invalidate any concealed carry permit you have....I would use pepper and or moth balls.

Also remember cameras can also be used against you in animal cruelty.
Also check your local law on pet ownership. In my town there is of course no leash law for cats, HOWEVER owners are required to keep them on their property. They roam around free most everywhere, but if one were to cause a problem the owner can be blown in.

Unless law has changed you do have a right to defend your livestock/agriculture from harm (can't think of the exact wording but it's not harm). Have had issues with dogs going after cattle and pigs before......

Mothballs work for lots of critters. Is there any worry about the ammonia leaching into your garden soil?
Ok, looks like I beat the little fury sh!ts at last.
Heres how:-

Cut up some steak pieces and spiked them with Blairs Ultra Death 2020 edtition sauce. Scattered it around. It wasn't long before nearly every cat in the street came round and sampled some.
I could see one cat sitting on the side walk shivering with one eye partly closed.

2 days later i scattered chilli flakes all over the garden beds.

That was all since I first started this thread - AND NO CATS SINCE - HOW AWESOME IS THAT! and all done with no harm to any critters. Those flakes lasted through some big rain too - just rained the chili scent into the dirt.
That's about the funniest thing ever! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I can see their little beady eyes now......lol great job!
Yeah but how are you going to make a kitty skin cap now!? Come on man...think ahead!


^ Yes but as expensive as shells are getting, it might not be worth squeezing the trigger. Try bludgeoning it with the suppressor. (yeah, I did just go there }: > )
Wow, I was hoping this thread would be buried by now. It got a little ugly before and it was my fault. I guess I was having a bad day. Shoontok PM'd me and is now on my "friend list". Sorry for any name calling I did. The only thing that ever offended me was the Vick comment and I kinda jumped on him I guess. I'm usually not an a$$ and wish everyone a happy grow.