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cayenne peppers

:) I've three plants, but what to do with the peppers ? I've no recipes. They've got plenty peppers, but many are drying out. I saw a pic of a few dried ones in a jar...should I do this ? help...
Welcome neverpanic. You can dry your peppers and leave them whole or gring into spice or you can pickle or freeze them or make sauces.
i saw something about letting the plant fill up with ripe peppers, then pull it out of the ground and hang it upside down in your kitchen??????

sounds interesting!
ross said:
i saw something about letting the plant fill up with ripe peppers, then pull it out of the ground and hang it upside down in your kitchen??????

sounds interesting!
Ack! Why would you even consider killing a plant that is producing peppers?
imaguitargod said:
Ack! Why would you even consider killing a plant that is producing peppers?

i dont know, maybe because if you did it in october/november you could have fresh peppers until feb/march when you plant again?
Hey Neverpanic, once your peppers are dry, try this out for a great taste,,, Heat a vegetable oil to around 225 to 250 degrees, fry the peppers ever so quick. Do not let them brown then lay them on some paper towels and sprinkle with salt. This is my favorite for the cayenne pepper. Great with everything.
ross said:
i saw something about letting the plant fill up with ripe peppers, then pull it out of the ground and hang it upside down in your kitchen??????

sounds interesting!
Hello Ross, I hang my plants in my garage. I would not hang it in doors. One of those peppers will have a small worm in them and you do not want moths flying around your place in the winter. Large peppers on plants will not dry but freeze. Cayennes are great for drying like this.
ross said:
i dont know, maybe because if you did it in october/november you could have fresh peppers until feb/march when you plant again?
Or you can overwinter them and have even bigger peppers next year.......... :P
I have a few Cayenne plant's that I've got hanging in my kitchen right now (I live in Minnesota and it got cold a few weeks back). You may have already taken care of the plants by now, but what I would recommend if you decide to hang the plants is to uproot them (keeping as many roots as possible). Then wrap a paper towel or even an actual towel around the roots and keep it moist. It can be a lot of trouble this way because you'll either have to tolerate a mess from the dripping water or wrap it in plastic. I think the ideal solution would be to place them in a pot and bring it indoors.

I also have a question for everyone. I heard from a friend that Cayenne seeds are toxic, I've done a lot of web research (that's how I found this fine site :) ) and everything I've found says that the seeds "can" be toxic. Here is a google search that brings up a lot of results on the subject: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=cayenne+"seeds+can+be+toxic"&btnG=Google+Search
I have noticed that all the sites that indicate that they may be toxic all have very similar text, probably because they all came from the same source. Can anyone shed some light on this? And are the seeds of any other peppers toxic?
I believe all chilli and chilli seeds are toxic to a degree.

Everything in moderation.

If you can eat enough to kill yourself I think you'll break a world record.
some suggestions about the treatment of pepper to earn more money

I have some suggestions about the treatment of pepper to earn more money.

a chemical compound which was abstracted from pepper,
when the purity achieve 97% ,
the price is
$150/10 gram
$15,000/1 kilogram
you can see the price from following website(to see the price item, you need to register)
It is a famous chemisty reagent company. Its most business is selling chemistry material.
The more purity ,the more expensive.

another chemical compound which was also abstracted from pepper,
when the purity achieve 90%,
the price is $1173/gram.

It is reported that these compounds have many functions in many aspects,
such as a medicine to treat obesity,urinary incontinence,anti-susceptivity
chronic arthritis and so on.


the following website have invent a method to prepare N-vanillylnonanamide
you can use search engine: www.google.com
to search your favourite item.
if we can separate these compounds with high purity from pepper,I think , money will come to you:)

I am a Master in Guangzhou city in people's republic of China,male, major in Organic chemistry. Now, I am working in micro-electronic industry-R&D in flexible copper clad laminater(FCCL)manufacture, salary is 3,000 RMB/month (about $375).
Have lots of interests in everything especially about making money:),and lots of idea about everything. Do not like current job for neither can't earn more money nor can't learn more things.As we know advanced technology are all in Japan and American .If there is a possible ,I want to found a company.And going around the world is my dream ,hope it want to come true some day.
Happy to make friends all around the world! Acctually the world is small between us.
My E-mail:gaodaxia2010@yahoo.com.cn
Mobile phone:00-86-020-35640568 (China)
Phone to me or write to me is welcome.
To discuss some topic is my favourite thing,throgh my english was not good.
willard3 said:
No chiles or chile seeds are poisonous....not any....


In the context of biology, poisons are substances that can cause injury, illness, or death to organisms, usually by chemical reaction or other activity on the molecular scale, when a sufficient quantity is absorbed by an organism. Paracelsus, the father of toxicology states-- "Everything is poison, there is poison in everything. Only the dose makes a thing not a poison".

gaodaxia1981 said:
I have some suggestions about the treatment of pepper to earn more money.

a chemical compound which was abstracted from pepper,
when the purity achieve 97% ,
the price is
$150/10 gram
$15,000/1 kilogram
you can see the price from following website(to see the price item, you need to register)
It is a famous chemisty reagent company. Its most business is selling chemistry material.
The more purity ,the more expensive.

another chemical compound which was also abstracted from pepper,
when the purity achieve 90%,
the price is $1173/gram.

It is reported that these compounds have many functions in many aspects,
such as a medicine to treat obesity,urinary incontinence,anti-susceptivity
chronic arthritis and so on.


the following website have invent a method to prepare N-vanillylnonanamide
you can use search engine: www.google.com
to search your favourite item.
if we can separate these compounds with high purity from pepper,I think , money will come to you:)

I am a Master in Guangzhou city in people's republic of China,male, major in Organic chemistry. Now, I am working in micro-electronic industry-R&D in flexible copper clad laminater(FCCL)manufacture, salary is 3,000 RMB/month (about $375).
Have lots of interests in everything especially about making money:),and lots of idea about everything. Do not like current job for neither can't earn more money nor can't learn more things.As we know advanced technology are all in Japan and American .If there is a possible ,I want to found a company.And going around the world is my dream ,hope it want to come true some day.
Happy to make friends all around the world! Acctually the world is small between us.
My E-mail:gaodaxia2010@yahoo.com.cn
Mobile phone:00-86-020-35640568 (China)
Phone to me or write to me is welcome.
To discuss some topic is my favourite thing,throgh my english was not good.

The prices are high not so much due to the difficulty in isolating the compounds or synthesizing them, but it is a simple supply and demand principle. There isn't a large need for ultra-pure assays of these compounds for research/industrial purposes. In short, I think you would find other areas more lucrative than trying to compete with a major chemical company for a niche product.
Welcome aboard Neverpanic!
Try this.
After removing peppers from the plant, carefully place them in a cardboard box with newspapers (preferably the sports section) between each layer of peppers. Then seal the box tightly with packaging tape and mail it to Colorado Springs, Attn: Hillbilly Chili.
Hillbilly Chili said:
Welcome aboard Neverpanic!
Try this.
After removing peppers from the plant, carefully place them in a cardboard box with newspapers (preferably the sports section) between each layer of peppers. Then seal the box tightly with packaging tape and mail it to Colorado Springs, Attn: Hillbilly Chili.

see the habanero thread for instructions on what to do there too, right?
Has anyone tried the Charleston Hot Cayenne? This one is my favorite. I was able to get some plants to start from 7 year old seeds put away. Twice as hot if not more than a standard cayenne but a great flavor and dries quick. Peppers starts out a light green to orange to deep red, grind em, fry em, great heat level.