Peppers in the Trees 2021
A Grow Log
I'm back! I joined in 2015-16-17 and had a fantastic run. I got a new job in 2017 as a Commercial Construction Superintendent. I was working a lot and just didn't have time to for gardening. Stress was high but the pay was great. At the time we were living in San Diego with our 4 kids and I had to put my hobbies on the backburner just to LIFE.
Fast forward to Jan, 2021, we are living in Northern California in the ultra rural area that I grew up in, Quincy CA. Life has slowed WAY down. We have horses and a few acres to call our own. Horses have become a big part of our life, especially with my 11yr old daughter. Horse manures was stacking up quick, we produce about 20yds of manure a year.
The first paddock we built went neglected for about a month and then it rained. It was bad, we were left with area that had about 12" deep of mushy mud and poop. The horses cant be in that for too long or they will start having issues with their feet. We quickly moved them to a new area with better drainage and where left with a large flat mud pit.
When life gives you poop, grow a garden!
So I had a chat with the wife and kids and they are all in! We do have one major problem in this area when it comes to gardens, deer are overly abundant! So I'm going to have build a deer fence. The local deer are quite athletic and can easily clear a 4ft fence. I'm going to need to BUILD A WALL, and I'm going to make the deer pay for it.

Nah, I'm good. I decided to used recycled materials and see what I can do that was cheap but looks okay. The answer was Pallets and some old 2x6 I had laying around.
We have a source for FREE pallets. A local feed store gives them away. SCORE!
I started building "The Wall" on 1/19/2021. The plan is to screw 2 pallets together side by side and make panels. Each panel with sandwich a 2x6 that is 6' 6" tall. These posts will hold 28" wire fence on top of the wall making the total Hight of the entire wall 6' 6" tall. Can a deer clear that? I'm sure some can yes. Will they do it? I doubt it.
The wall is secured to the ground with a 6' T-post on every 2x6 and the corners will be 6" round posts sunk in to the ground about 24"