yield-harvest CGN 21500 Harvesting advice ?

Hi Guy's

This is a I've heard alot about and planned to try it next season, however very late season I got hold of some seeds in trade.....thanks mate :thumbsup: 🙂

I ended up sowing them "extremely" late for Scotland however I used the mini Kratky 500ml jar method I'm planning growing all trial varieties in 2025.

Success :woohoo:I now have a very small CGN 21500 plant and its covered in wee pod's :party: the amount of time this has saved me is incredible !! 😎

I now have the opportunity to try the flavour and heat of this extremely pretty variety and decided if its a keeper or a variety I may grow from time to time..............


Here's the little fella I've never grown any like this I believe it's the "Roxa" family ? I believe it's unofficial name is purple peach for obvious reasons.

My question is when to harvest the fruit ? How the heck do I know when there fully ripe ? Or even at there best ?

Appreciate some advice........

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You can tell the pods are ripe when the green goes away and they blush peach. Some of the purple may fade out a bit at the same time. If you really want to be sure, you can wait until they go a little soft (overripe). But you should be able to see the color change. I have also seen this variety referred to as 'Sunset Peach', although the name doesn't seem to have really caught on.
When the pods look like this you can start to harvest them, they will still be quite firm but with fully developed flavour and the best looks. If you let them ripen a bit longer they lose their blush and become completely peach colored. The latter will give you more soft and juicy pods!
