Cheap 5 gallon nursery pots?

It's about time to transplant my peppers, so I drove and called around today looking for cheap nursery-style 5 gallon pots. No one has them! I tried Home Depot and several nurseries / green houses, and can't find anything except those $7 granite-grey 5 gallon pots at HD.

Where do you get yours?

If you like using something other than 5-gal nursery pots, what do you use?

Thanks in advance!
Elequin...check out Archies Gardenland (or something like that) in Fort Worth...its off hiway 80 on the west side of town...I got my 5 gallon conatiners from them for a buck a piece.
i plan on using the 12 kilogram buckets my kitty litter comes in. i'm not exactly sure of the density of kitty litter so i can't really convert that easily... i guess i could go fill one with water and measure then convert from litres to gallons, but that sounds time consuming and boring...
A landscape friend said he would make me a deal I couldn't refuse but I think I'm going to go with 4-gllon buckets. He assures me they are plenty large enough for peppers as well as most other plants. Since I'm looking at 60-90 of them, that's a lot less dirt I need to buy, shovel, lift and carry.

I haven't decided if I am going to buy topsoil or simply get dirt from the graveyard, buy some bags of topsoil and get a small load of sand and mix it. That's what my garden was last year and it turned out great. Three shovels of dirt, one of top soil and a half a shovel of sand, mix it up and stick a plant in it.

AlabamaJack said:
Elequin...check out Archies Gardenland (or something like that) in Fort Worth...its off hiway 80 on the west side of town...I got my 5 gallon conatiners from them for a buck a piece.

Sounds great, but a bit of a drive for me. Of course, looks like shipping for just 10 of these is about $20 most places. Maybe that's not such a far drive.. I'll have to see if I can find some other excuses to get out there. But....

GrumpyBear said:
i plan on using the 12 kilogram buckets my kitty litter comes in. i'm not exactly sure of the density of kitty litter so i can't really convert that easily... i guess i could go fill one with water and measure then convert from litres to gallons, but that sounds time consuming and boring...

Haha, wow, I didn't think of that! I get the 35 pound (~12 kilo) kitty litter pails, and they look about the perfect size! I've recycled them to store charcoal for the grill, and didn't even think of using them as pots. They're perfect, being square, they'll fit nicely next to each other! Thanks! I have at least 4 of those around here..

Pam said:
I get most of mine out the trash. People throw away the best stuff!

You can also check and see if the Texas Extension office puts out some sort of Market Bulletin. Ours does, and there always nursery pots for sale. Our Market Bulletin is here, if you want to see what I mean.

Thanks Pam - I googled quite a bit and didn't see anything similar. That's a cool resource you have, though!

Maybe I'll have a look at Target and Wal*Mart next.. It just kinda erks me that Home Depot sells all their plants in these containers, but only has pretty/ornamental/expensive planters for sale seperately.

Thanks all!
elequin said:
Haha, wow, I didn't think of that! I get the 35 pound (~12 kilo) kitty litter pails, and they look about the perfect size! I've recycled them to store charcoal for the grill, and didn't even think of using them as pots. They're perfect, being square, they'll fit nicely next to each other! Thanks! I have at least 4 of those around here..

i've been keeping them for a couple months now, and two cats really makes for a high litter turnover (i'm not a 'cat-lady' btw, one of them is mom's, plus i really feel three cats is the threshold where you transition from 'cat-person' to 'cat-lady').
i love that they're square too, you can't find the bigger sizes in square very easily (i found one made out of this weird recycled earth friendly hippie stuff but it was pretty expensive) and round pots really bug me because they're such an inefficient use of space.