Check my progress!

Morning all,
I've put together a site showing the growth of my chilis over the past few weeks. Let me know what you think of how they're growing. I thought it might be helpful to newbs to get an idea of how fast these things grow, etc.

First fruit on the ancho! Woot!

Some of the shots are a little dark, and maybe a bit small for those with large monitors. I can put hi def shots up if anyone wants them.
On the other side of the pond you start plants now? When will you place them outside? They do look good. Just curious about starting chiles now. We wish you the best and maybe sometime we could send you a few chile seeds to grow and some sauce to sample.

Hey mick,
Well, strictly, we shouldn't really start now. However, I got my first plant in about July/ August, got the bug, ordered some seeds which arrived about late August, I think, and couldn't resist planting about half of them now. I've saved the other half for a more conventional planting time.

As for putting them outside.... not sure I will... depends what spring it like next year, I guess... i've only really grown herbs outside before.

This ties in with the other thread about toughening chili plants really: does the generally colder outside temperature induce hotter chilis?

As for samples and seeds, I'd love to get stuff from all you guys. My brother's looking at a job in Texas at the moment, so I might use him as a conduit if he gets it :mouthonfire:
I'm not questioning you like i said was just curious.Love to talk chiles. Not going to put them outside. Do you have indoor lighting?

Not sure about cooler temps making peppers hotter have not heard that before. I do know when you put chiles under stress (drought,heat stress) it will make the chiles hotter. best of luck would like to hear more about your chiles.

When your ready for some seeds or samples let us know.cheers! Here's to your brother getting a job in Texas.

That's OK, chief, I know you weren't doubting the procedure :mouthonfire:

No special indoor lighting, no. Despite it being generally cold here, and occasionally very very over cast and rainy, we do get a fair bit of sunshine. It's not "hot" sunshine, often, but light none the less.
You seem to be quite fortunate with your windowsill space, I've barely got enough room to fit in the 2 chilli's and avacado plant from this year, I've no idea where I'll start my new batch next year (which incidentally I'll be doing in january, when are you planning to start yours?)

Ancho=dried poblano....many seed purveyors perpetuate this naming confusion.

In Mexico, if you ask for ancho, it is dried up and quite brown.

Poblano is a large green, fresh chile used mostly for stuffing (chile relleno).

Ancho is used frequently in moles.
You're quite right, of course, my mistake.

Question: if it grows green, and if it's green when it's ripe.... how do i tell when it's ready to eat?
Actually, I've just read somewhere else that they DO go red (or brown) on the stem when ripe. But somewhere else said they stay green. Weird. Anyone else actually grow them?
Shooty* said:
Actually, I've just read somewhere else that they DO go red (or brown) on the stem when ripe. But somewhere else said they stay green. Weird. Anyone else actually grow them?

Yes, Poblanos, like most chiles, turn red when ripe. The ripe red ones are dried to become ancho.
I've just eaten a green anaheim.

Bit disappointed... was a bit like a slightly bitter bell pepper. I mean, I know they're only meant to be a heat 1 on a scale of 1 to 10, but there seemed to be no heat at all. Still, nice looking plant. I'll let one go red and try that, see if it tastes better. This particular green fruit has been on the plant for about 2 months, so figured it was ready to eat, but in hindsight it tasted perhaps a little immature.

Oh well.... might try the poblano/ ancho thingy next...