food Cheesy Foil Dogs

The Hot Pepper

Grill or fry some hot dogs. Place them in buns. Top the dogs with cheddar cheese and sliced pickled jalapenos. Individually wrap the dogs in foil. Pop them in a 350 oven for 8-10 minutes. The cheese melts, the bun doesn't burn, and it gets all gooey and good. If you want, just serve them in the foil.

If you fry them, finish in oven. If you grill them outside, you can finish on grill, over indirect heat, or on an upper rack.
I was worried it kept me from greatness but man oh man, I LOVE canned Jalps and cheese with ANYTHING. I'm doing my next hot dog like this.
man that sounds good....i would worry about that cheese turning the roof of your mouth into a blister but hey...ive done it before and ill probablay do it again.
Tina Brooks said:
Popper dogs! HP... dya mind if we use some of these recipes professionally???


Nope. This recipe rocks! If you make a million, just pay me a quarter mill. :)
If you fry them, finish in oven. If you grill them outside, you can finish on grill, over indirect heat, or on an upper rack. said:
If you fry them, finish in oven. If you grill them outside, you can finish on grill, over indirect heat, or on an upper rack

Doing this tonight!! Can't wait :onfire: ...Of course it will be without Bubba's chili. :(
Cap said:
[COLOR=blue']Doing this tonight!! Can't wait :onfire: ...Of course it will be without Bubba's chili. :( [/COLOR]

the chili im doing for the local restraunt is getting raves..people are loving gonna have to send ya some mixes.
imaguitargod said:
5 times a day for me and I'm still only 140 lbs at 6 feet tall...darn fast matabolism... :onfire:

I know what you mean. I'm 6'2 150 and I eat constantly (except when I'm using the potty). Must be all the hot sauce that I eat that keeps the motabalism doing it's thing. I'm ready to slam some foil dawgs!!!
being 6 foot and 400 i hate you both....there is a deputy that came up to me the other day and said....i eat and eat and eat and i can't gain any weight.
i wanted to sit on him until his guts came out his nose.
yesterday i had to order a special chair that holds fat guys....i need to be on suicide watch for a cpl of days.
bubbaschili said:
the chili im doing for the local restraunt is getting raves..people are loving gonna have to send ya some mixes.

Bring it on Bubba! I just might have to trade you some Cape Fear Red Savina for it. Send me a pm if yer interested.
as soon as my 5xl shirt gets done pm me and we will carry pappys moonshine bbq sauce i want some of that and some other stuff.
bubbaschili said:
being 6 foot and 400 i hate you both....there is a deputy that came up to me the other day and said....i eat and eat and eat and i can't gain any weight.
i wanted to sit on him until his guts came out his nose.
yesterday i had to order a special chair that holds fat guys....i need to be on suicide watch for a cpl of days.
hey, think of it this way, when a natural disaster comes and you and me are left with no food, I'll die first because I have no fat that my body could feed off of. You'll live at least two days longer than me...

But in the mean time, I think I'm going to do some foil dogs for the 4th of July...